Framing ICT Usage in the Real Estate Industry

The real estate industry, like many, is one based on a competitive consumer culture in which professionals vie for the business and, ultimately, the loyalty of customers. In this case, those customers are purchasing what, for most, is a significant investment, requiring them to navigate various legal and regulatory processes that might be impossible without the assistance of a knowledgeable, seasoned agent. It is the presence of agency that renders real estate unique from retail and other industries where goods and services trade hands. Furthermore, the rise of various information and communication technologies (ICT) over the course of the past 25 years may have led to new challenges for real estate agents and allied professionals. Some scholars surmise that the increased prevalence of ICTs in various industries can become disruptive to those industries, causing individuals and organizations working within them to either adapt accordingly or become obsolete (Bower and Christensen 1995; Markus, et al. 2006).

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