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Faculty Scholarship
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Voluntary sustainability standards could significantly reduce detrimental impacts of global agriculture
Promoting the "Public Welfare" in Wartime: Stanford University during World War II
DC-SSAT: A divide-and-conquer approach to solving stochastic satisfiability problems efficiently
Evaluating democracy: The 1946 U.S. education mission to Germany
Waterfowl habitat change over five decades in a freshwater tidal ecosystem in mid-coast maine
Under the hood of satellite empirical chlorophyll a algorithms: Revealing the dependencies of maximum band ratio algorithms on inherent optical properties
Underway and moored methods for improving accuracy in measurement of spectral particulate absorption and attenuation
Understanding the effect of political advertising on voter turnout: A response to Krasno and Green
Climate change's impact on key ecosystem services and the human well-being they support in the US
The Effects of Corporate Governance on the Innovation Performance of Chinese SMEs
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