Focus Group Statements

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Digital Archives > Oral Histories > Maine Wabanaki-State Child Welfare Truth & Reconciliation Commission Archive

This series includes audio recordings and related transcript of statements by focus groups convened by the TRC. Session participants include Wabanaki foster and adoptive parents, Wabanaki Health and Wellness, Maine-Wabanaki REACH board members, community organizers, and inmates at the Maine Correctional Center. The discussions focus on native fostering and adoption; reconciliation, justice, and trauma; community organization; and background history. Some statement providers requested anonymity, and in those cases, both the transcripts and recordings have been altered to protect participants' identities.

These personal memories provide a window into the realities of the relationship between Wabanaki people and the state of Maine. As evidenced by the recordings themselves, the process of participating in the group discussions was often an emotional one for participants. Readers should be aware that many of the statements contain challenging and disturbing content. The statements are made available online with the hope that broader access to these important historical records will further our understanding of this difficult past and lead to improved child welfare practices for Wabanaki families.

Bowdoin does not hold copyright for these materials. They are made available for research and educational purposes, and with the permission of the TRC and group participants. For all uses outside of "fair use" (as defined by Title 17, United States Code), including derivation, publication, and reproduction, researchers must secure permission from the copyright holders, typically the group participants.

For More Information

If you have questions or concerns about your statement, or if you need research assistance, please contact the George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives at or calling 207.725.3288

Visit the website of Wabanaki REACH to stay up to date on the work to implement the Commission’s recommendations. If you participated in the TRC and need support, or if you wish to contribute to the archive by providing a statement, please contact Wabanaki REACH at 207.615.3189

Please also read Wabanaki REACH's statement of support issued upon the release of the archives.

A related series of Statements by Individuals is also available.