Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Items

Implementing the Optimal Provision of Ecosystem Services

Date: 2013-08-01

Creator: Stephen Polasky, David Lewis, Andrew Plantinga, Erik Nelson

Access: Open access

Many ecosystem services are public goods whose provision depends on the spatial pattern of land use. The pattern of land use is often determined by the decisions of multiple private landowners. Increasing the provision of ecosystem services, while beneficial for society as a whole, may be costly to private landowners. A regulator interested in providing incentives to landowners for increased provision of ecosystem services often lacks complete information on landowners’ costs. The combination of spatially-dependent benefits and asymmetric cost information means that the optimal provision of ecosystem services cannot be achieved using standard regulatory or payment for ecosystem services (PES) approaches. Here we show that an auction that pays a landowner for the increased value of ecosystem services generated by the landowner’s actions provides incentives for landowners to truthfully reveal cost information, and allows the regulator to implement the optimal provision of ecosystem services, even in the case with spatially-dependent benefits and asymmetric information.

Conservation as if people also mattered: Policy and practice of community-based conservation

Date: 2013-01-01

Creator: Ashish Kothari, Philip Camill, Jessica Brown

Access: Open access

Community-based conservation is being increasingly recognised as a major global force in the protection and sustainable management of ecosystems and species. Yet documentation of its main achievements and shortcomings, and the key issues it faces, is still at a nascent stage. This paper introduces the concept and experience of two forms of community-based conservation: Collaborative Management of Protected Areas (CMPA), and Indigenous Peoples' and Local Community Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCAs). It explores the emergence of these approaches in the context of global international conservation policy. Reviewing four case studies that were presented at a symposium convened at the Bowdoin College (Maine, USA, in November 2008), and drawing from the discussion during that session, it identifies some key lessons and principles that are likely to be applicable to community-based conservation across the world.

Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest

Date: 2000-01-01

Creator: Nalini M. Nadkarni, Nathaniel T. Wheelwright

Access: Open access

The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve has captured the worldwide attention of biologists, conservationists, and ecologists and has been the setting for extensive investigation over the past 40 years. Roughly 40,000 ecotourists visit the Cloud Forest each year, and it is often considered the archetypal high-altitude rain forest. Featuring synthetic chapters and specific accounts written by more than 100 biologists and local residents, the 573-page book documents in a single volume everything known about the biological diversity of Monteverde, Costa Rica, and how to protect it. New short chapters which update and expand the research presented in the 2000 Oxford publication were written in 2014 and are now available.

Monteverde: ecología y conservación de un bosque nuboso tropical

Date: 2014-12-01

Creator: Nathaniel T Wheelwright, Nalini M Nadkarni

Access: Open access

La Reserva Biológica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde ha capturado la atención mundial de biólogos, conservacionistas y ecólogos y allí se han hecho vastas investigaciones durante los últimos 40 años. Unos 40.000 ecoturistas visitan el Bosque Nuboso cada año y se considera el bosque lluvioso arquetípico de las altitudes altas. Este libro, una traducción actualizada de "Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest", editado por Nalini Nadkarni y Nathaniel T. Wheelwright (Oxford University Press, 2000) presenta capítulos sintéticos y recuentos específicos escritos por más de 100 biólogos y residentes locales. En un solo volumen documenta todo lo que se sabe en 2014 de la diversidad biológica de Monteverde, Costa Rica, y cómo protegerla. The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve has captured the worldwide attention of biologists, conservationists, and ecologists and has been the setting for extensive investigation over the past 40 years. Roughly 40,000 ecotourists visit the Cloud Forest each year, and it is often considered the archetypal high-altitude rain forest. This book, an updated and expanded version of "Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest", edited by Nalini Nadkarni and Nathaniel T. Wheelwright (Oxford University Press, 2000), features synthetic chapters and specific accounts written by more than 100 biologists and local residents. The 862-page book includes 12 new short chapters and documents in a single volume everything known in 2014 about the biological diversity of Monteverde, Costa Rica, and how to protect it.

Ecotourism Reconsidered: Chinese and Western Participation in the Thai Elephant Industry

Date: 2019-05-01

Creator: Miao (Jasmine) Long

Access: Open access

Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest - Chapter Updates (English)

Date: 2014-01-01

Creator: Nalini M Nadkarni, Nathaniel T Wheelwright

Access: Open access

The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve has captured the worldwide attention of biologists, conservationists, and ecologists and has been the setting for extensive investigation over the past 40 years. Roughly 40,000 ecotourists visit the Cloud Forest each year, and it is often considered the archetypal high-altitude rain forest. “Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest”, edited by Nalini Nadkarni and Nathaniel T. Wheelwright (Oxford University Press, 2000 and Bowdoin’s Scholar’s Bookshelf. Book 1 ), features synthetic chapters and specific accounts written by more than 100 biologist and local residents, presenting in a single volume everything known in 2000 about the biological diversity of Monteverde, Costa Rica, and how to protect it. The new short chapters written in 2014 by original contributors, and presented here update and expand that knowledge through 2014.