Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Items
Retinoic acid expands the evolutionarily reduced dentition of zebrafish
Date: 2012-12-01
Creator: Pawat Seritrakul, Eric Samarut, Tenzing T.S. Lama, Yann Gibert, Vincent, Laudet, William R. Jackman
Access: Open access
- Zebrafish lost anterior teeth during evolution but retain a posterior pharyngeal dentition that requires retinoic acid (RA) cell-cell signaling for its development. The purposes of this study were to test the sufficiency of RA to induce tooth development and to assess its role in evolution. We found that exposure of embryos to exogenous RA induces a dramatic anterior expansion of the number of pharyngeal teeth that later form and shifts anteriorly the expression patterns of genes normally expressed in the posterior tooth-forming region, such as pitx2 and dlx2b. After RA exposure, we also observed a correlation between cartilage malformations and ectopic tooth induction, as well as abnormal cranial neural crest marker gene expression. Additionally, we observed that the RA-induced zebrafish anterior teeth resemble in pattern and number the dentition of fish species that retain anterior pharyngeal teeth such as medaka but that medaka do not express the aldh1a2 RA-synthesizing enzyme in tooth-forming regions. We conclude that RA is sufficient to induce anterior ectopic tooth development in zebrafish where teeth were lost in evolution, potentially by altering neural crest cell development, and that changes in the location of RA synthesis correlate with evolutionary changes in vertebrate dentitions. © FASEB.
Hedgehog signaling regulates dental papilla formation and tooth size during zebrafish odontogenesis
Date: 2015-04-01
Creator: Jeffrey C. Yu, Zachary D. Fox, James L. Crimp, Hana E. Littleford, Andrea L., Jowdry, William R. Jackman
Access: Open access
- Intercellular communication by the hedgehog cell signaling pathway is necessary for tooth development throughout the vertebrates, but it remains unclear which specific developmental signals control cell behavior at different stages of odontogenesis. To address this issue, we have manipulated hedgehog activity during zebrafish tooth development and visualized the results using confocal microscopy. Results: We first established that reporter lines for dlx2b, fli1, NF-κB, and prdm1a are markers for specific subsets of tooth germ tissues. We then blocked hedgehog signaling with cyclopamine and observed a reduction or elimination of the cranial neural crest derived dental papilla, which normally contains the cells that later give rise to dentin-producing odontoblasts. Upon further investigation, we observed that the dental papilla begins to form and then regresses in the absence of hedgehog signaling, through a mechanism unrelated to cell proliferation or apoptosis. We also found evidence of an isometric reduction in tooth size that correlates with the time of earliest hedgehog inhibition. Conclusions: We hypothesize that these results reveal a previously uncharacterized function of hedgehog signaling during tooth morphogenesis, regulating the number of cells in the dental papilla and thereby controlling tooth size.
Identifying a distinct developmental module in the zebrafish dentition
Date: 2018-01-01
Creator: Caleb Matthew Gordon
Access: Open access
- In the zebrafish pharynx, the first three teeth to form, 3V1, 4V1, and 5V1, have distinct adult and embryonic morphologies, suggesting that these teeth may form using different developmental pathways. Previous studies of gene expression profiles and mutant phenotypes in 3V1, 4V1, and 5V1 have identified four genes that might be involved in dissociating these tooth modules: pitx2b, eve1, pbx1a, and pbx1b. To determine how the developmental roles of these four genes differ across 3V1, 4V1, and 5V1, and obtain a better understanding of how these three teeth develop, I performed CRISPR/Cas9– mediated knockouts in each of these genes, or analyzed embryos from a stable transgenic mutant line where available, and observed the resulting tooth germs and mineralized tooth structures via fluorescence and confocal microscopy. Preliminary results implicate pitx2 as being required for tooth mineralization, offer a possible role for pbx1a, pbx1b, and eve1 in distinguishing the developmental pathway of 3V1, and suggest that 3V1 constitutes a distinct developmental module within the early ventral dentition.