Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Items

To what extent may peptide receptor gene diversity/complement contribute to functional flexibility in a simple pattern-generating neural network?

Date: 2019-06-01

Creator: Patsy S. Dickinson, J. Joe Hull, Alexandra Miller, Emily R. Oleisky, Andrew E., Christie

Access: Open access

Peptides are known to contribute to central pattern generator (CPG) flexibility throughout the animal kingdom. However, the role played by receptor diversity/complement in determining this functional flexibility is not clear. The stomatogastric ganglion (STG) of the crab, Cancer borealis, contains CPGs that are models for investigating peptidergic control of rhythmic behavior. Although many Cancer peptides have been identified, their peptide receptors are largely unknown. Thus, the extent to which receptor diversity/complement contributes to modulatory flexibility in this system remains unresolved. Here, a Cancer mixed nervous system transcriptome was used to determine the peptide receptor complement for the crab nervous system as a whole. Receptors for 27 peptide families, including multiple receptors for some groups, were identified. To increase confidence in the predicted sequences, receptors for allatostatin-A, allatostatin-B, and allatostatin-C were cloned, sequenced, and expressed in an insect cell line; as expected, all three receptors trafficked to the cell membrane. RT-PCR was used to determine whether each receptor was expressed in the Cancer STG. Transcripts for 36 of the 46 identified receptors were amplified; these included at least one for each peptide family except RYamide. Finally, two peptides untested on the crab STG were assessed for their influence on its motor outputs. Myosuppressin, for which STG receptors were identified, exhibited clear modulatory effects on the motor patterns of the ganglion, while a native RYamide, for which no STG receptors were found, elicited no consistent modulatory effects. These data support receptor diversity/complement as a major contributor to the functional flexibility of CPGs.

Miniature of The identification and visualization of candidate early embryonic patterning genes in <i>Bradysia coprophila</i>
The identification and visualization of candidate early embryonic patterning genes in Bradysia coprophila
This record is embargoed.
    • Embargo End Date: 2027-05-16

    Date: 2024-01-01

    Creator: Sarah Conant

    Access: Embargoed

      Multiple transcriptome mining coupled with tissue specific molecular cloning and mass spectrometry provide insights into agatoxin-like peptide conservation in decapod crustaceans

      Date: 2020-12-01

      Creator: Andrew E. Christie, Cindy D. Rivera, Catherine M. Call, Patsy S. Dickinson, Elizabeth A., Stemmler, J. Joe Hull

      Access: Open access

      Over the past decade, in silico genome and transcriptome mining has led to the identification of many new crustacean peptide families, including the agatoxin-like peptides (ALPs), a group named for their structural similarity to agatoxin, a spider venom component. Here, analysis of publicly accessible transcriptomes was used to expand our understanding of crustacean ALPs. Specifically, transcriptome mining was used to investigate the phylogenetic/structural conservation, tissue localization, and putative functions of ALPs in decapod species. Transcripts encoding putative ALP precursors were identified from one or more members of the Penaeoidea (penaeid shrimp), Sergestoidea (sergestid shrimps), Caridea (caridean shrimp), Astacidea (clawed lobsters and freshwater crayfish), Achelata (spiny/slipper lobsters), and Brachyura (true crabs), suggesting a broad, and perhaps ubiquitous, conservation of ALPs in decapods. Comparison of the predicted mature structures of decapod ALPs revealed high levels of amino acid conservation, including eight identically conserved cysteine residues that presumably allow for the formation of four identically positioned disulfide bridges. All decapod ALPs are predicted to have amidated carboxyl-terminals. Two isoforms of ALP appear to be present in most decapod species, one 44 amino acids long and the other 42 amino acids in length, both likely generated by alternative splicing of a single gene. In carideans, a gene or terminal exon duplication appears to have occurred, with alternative splicing producing four ALPs, two 44 and two 42 amino acid isoforms. The identification of ALP precursor-encoding transcripts in nervous system-specific transcriptomes (e.g., Homarus americanus brain, eyestalk ganglia, and cardiac ganglion assemblies, finding confirmed using RT-PCR) suggests that members of this peptide family may serve as locally-released and/or hormonally-delivered neuromodulators in decapods. Their detection in testis- and hepatopancreas-specific transcriptomes suggests that members of the ALP family may also play roles in male reproduction and innate immunity/detoxification.

      Cloning of the first cDNA encoding a putative CCRFamide precursor: identification of the brain, eyestalk ganglia, and cardiac ganglion as sites of CCRFamide expression in the American lobster, Homarus americanus

      Date: 2020-12-01

      Creator: J. Joe Hull, Melissa A. Stefanek, Patsy S. Dickinson, Andrew E. Christie

      Access: Open access

      Over the past decade, many new peptide families have been identified via in silico analyses of genomic and transcriptomic datasets. While various molecular and biochemical methods have confirmed the existence of some of these new groups, others remain in silico discoveries of computationally assembled sequences only. An example of the latter are the CCRFamides, named for the predicted presence of two pairs of disulfide bonded cysteine residues and an amidated arginine-phenylalanine carboxyl-terminus in family members, which have been identified from annelid, molluscan, and arthropod genomes/transcriptomes, but for which no precursor protein-encoding cDNAs have been cloned. Using routine transcriptome mining methods, we identified four Homarus americanus (American lobster) CCRFamide transcripts that share high sequence identity across the predicted open reading frames but more limited conservation in their 5′ terminal ends, suggesting the Homarus gene undergoes alternative splicing. RT-PCR profiling using primers designed to amplify an internal fragment common to all of the transcripts revealed expression in the supraoesophageal ganglion (brain), eyestalk ganglia, and cardiac ganglion. Variant specific profiling revealed a similar profile for variant 1, eyestalk ganglia specific expression of variant 2, and an absence of variant 3 expression in the cDNAs examined. The broad distribution of CCRFamide transcript expression in the H. americanus nervous system suggests a potential role as a locally released and/or circulating neuropeptide. This is the first report of the cloning of a CCRFamide-encoding cDNA from any species, and as such, provides the first non-in silico support for the existence of this invertebrate peptide family.

      Multiple transcriptome mining coupled with tissue specific molecular cloning and mass spectrometry provide insights into agatoxin-like peptide conservation in decapod crustaceans

      Date: 2020-12-01

      Creator: Andrew E. Christie, Cindy D. Rivera, Catherine M. Call, Patsy S. Dickinson, Elizabeth A., Stemmler, J. Joe Hull

      Access: Open access

      Over the past decade, in silico genome and transcriptome mining has led to the identification of many new crustacean peptide families, including the agatoxin-like peptides (ALPs), a group named for their structural similarity to agatoxin, a spider venom component. Here, analysis of publicly accessible transcriptomes was used to expand our understanding of crustacean ALPs. Specifically, transcriptome mining was used to investigate the phylogenetic/structural conservation, tissue localization, and putative functions of ALPs in decapod species. Transcripts encoding putative ALP precursors were identified from one or more members of the Penaeoidea (penaeid shrimp), Sergestoidea (sergestid shrimps), Caridea (caridean shrimp), Astacidea (clawed lobsters and freshwater crayfish), Achelata (spiny/slipper lobsters), and Brachyura (true crabs), suggesting a broad, and perhaps ubiquitous, conservation of ALPs in decapods. Comparison of the predicted mature structures of decapod ALPs revealed high levels of amino acid conservation, including eight identically conserved cysteine residues that presumably allow for the formation of four identically positioned disulfide bridges. All decapod ALPs are predicted to have amidated carboxyl-terminals. Two isoforms of ALP appear to be present in most decapod species, one 44 amino acids long and the other 42 amino acids in length, both likely generated by alternative splicing of a single gene. In carideans, a gene or terminal exon duplication appears to have occurred, with alternative splicing producing four ALPs, two 44 and two 42 amino acid isoforms. The identification of ALP precursor-encoding transcripts in nervous system-specific transcriptomes (e.g., Homarus americanus brain, eyestalk ganglia, and cardiac ganglion assemblies, finding confirmed using RT-PCR) suggests that members of this peptide family may serve as locally-released and/or hormonally-delivered neuromodulators in decapods. Their detection in testis- and hepatopancreas-specific transcriptomes suggests that members of the ALP family may also play roles in male reproduction and innate immunity/detoxification.