Showing 1 - 10 of 12 Items

Miniature of They Used to Be Castles
They Used to Be Castles
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      Date: 2021-01-01

      Creator: Lily Anna Fullam

      Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

        Who We Are: Incarcerated Students and the New Prison Literature, 1995-2010

        Date: 2013-05-01

        Creator: Reilly Hannah N Lorastein

        Access: Open access

        This project focuses on American prison writings from the late 1990s to the 2000s. Much has been written about American prison intellectuals such as Malcolm X, George Jackson, Eldridge Cleaver, and Angela Davis, who wrote as active participants in black and brown freedom movements in the United States. However the new prison literature that has emerged over the past two decades through higher education programs within prisons has received little to no attention. This study provides a more nuanced view of the steadily growing silent population in the United States through close readings of Openline, an inter-disciplinary journal featuring poetry, essays, fiction, and visual art created by incarcerated students enrolled in the College Program at San Quentin State Prison. By engaging the first person perspective of the incarcerated subject, this project will reveal how incarcerated individuals describe themselves, how they maintain and create intimate relationships from behind bars, and their critiques of the criminal justice system. From these readings, the project outlines conventions of “the incarcerated experience” as a subject position, with an eye toward further research analyzing the intersection of one's “incarcerated status” with one’s race, class, gender, and sexuality.

        Miniature of Ink
        This record is embargoed.
          • Embargo End Date: 2025-05-19

          Date: 2022-01-01

          Creator: Andrew MacGregor Nicholson

          Access: Embargoed

            Miniature of Pathways: Montana Stories and Poems
            Pathways: Montana Stories and Poems
            This record is embargoed.
              • Embargo End Date: 2027-05-16

              Date: 2024-01-01

              Creator: Tess Davis

              Access: Embargoed

                Miniature of When There's A Fire–Short Stories
                When There's A Fire–Short Stories
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                    Date: 2023-01-01

                    Creator: Zoë Ellis Wilson

                    Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

                      Miniature of Advanced Mammals
                      Advanced Mammals
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                          Date: 2020-01-01

                          Creator: Emma Bezilla

                          Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

                            Miniature of This Is All for You: Stories
                            This Is All for You: Stories
                            Access to this record is restricted to members of the Bowdoin community. Log in here to view.

                                Date: 2023-01-01

                                Creator: Catherine Crouch

                                Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community

                                  Bodies, Memories, Ghosts, and Objects or Telling a Memory

                                  Date: 2023-01-01

                                  Creator: Natsumi Lynne Meyer

                                  Access: Open access

                                  I think it started in December 2017, when my Mama sent me to Japan to take care of my grandparents, Baba and Jiji, alone. I had been to Japan almost every year since I was eleven years old, and several times before that too, but this was my first time without Mama. When Mama was there, Japan was filtered through her. I could poke bits of myself through her editing and approval. I could read street signs because of the way she read them, and I could understand my grandparents’ sighs from the timbre of her translation. That December, though, I had to see and hear alone. The tiny shakes in Baba’s legs and the indentation in Jiji’s forehead from when he fell down the stairs crystallized in my memory, and I had to write about it. This project includes a series of creative nonfiction and fiction pieces centered around telling my family stories. Writing from interviews, observations, and generational memories, I weave together these story fragments to discuss Asian American identity and immigration, WWII trauma, aging, and inheritance.

                                  Miniature of Nonprophets: a novel
                                  Nonprophets: a novel
                                  This record is embargoed.
                                    • Embargo End Date: 2025-05-14

                                    Date: 2020-01-01

                                    Creator: Nathan Osiason Blum

                                    Access: Embargoed

                                      Re-formando cuerpos: Las identidades femeninas en escritoras cubanas durante el Período Especial

                                      Date: 2014-01-01

                                      Creator: Amanda M Montenegro

                                      Access: Open access

                                      Esta tesis explora cómo una variedad de autoras cubanas representan el cuerpo, las identidades femeninas y la relación entre las mujeres y la nación. Las autoras estudiadas incluyen Marilyn Bobes, Karla Suárez y Daína Chaviano. Sus narrativas ilustran y desarrollan una variedad de personajes –desde las mujeres blancas prerrevolucionarias hasta las “hijas de la revolución” afrocubanas—que representan diferentes maneras en que las mujeres construyen y reconstruyen sus identidades en la Cuba revolucionaria y hasta el comienzo del “Período especial”. Ilustran además cómo las mujeres vivieron fenómenos propios de ese período como la migración, la dolarización y el jineterismo. Así, revelan los fracasos en cuanto a la igualdad de género de la revolución, que no transformó la estructura patriarcal de la sociedad. Sin embargo, las autoras presentan una nación cubana polifacética compuesta de más que el Estado, donde las escritoras y las mujeres luchan por definirse a sí mismas. This paper explores how various female Cuban authors represent the body, female identities and the relationship between women and the nation. The authors studied include Marilyn Bobes, Karla Suárez and Daína Chaviano. Their narratives illustrate and develop a variety of characters—ranging from white prerevolutionary women to afro-Cuban “daughters of the Revolution”—which represent different ways in which women construct and reconstruct their identities during revolutionary Cuba and at the beginning of the “Special Period.” The characters also illustrate how women in particular experienced and dealt with the effects of the Special Period such as migration, dollarization and jineterismo. Thus, they reveal the failures of the Cuban Revolution regarding gender equality of the Revolution, which did not transform the patriarchal structure of society. However, the authors present a multifaceted Cuban nation comprised of more than just the State, where writers and women struggle to define themselves.