Showing 1 - 10 of 12 Items

General Catalogue of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine: A Biographical Record of Alumni and Officers, 1794-1950

Date: 1950-01-01

Access: Open access

General Catalogue of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine: A Biographical Record of Alumni and Officers, 1794-1950 (1950) provides a complete and comprehensive biographical record of all of Bowdoin’s students, faculty, and administrative officers from the founding of the College in 1794 through 1950.

The Architecture of Bowdoin College

Date: 1988-01-01

Creator: Patricia McGraw Anderson

Access: Open access

The Architecture of Bowdoin College (1988), by Patricia McGraw Anderson, is the best single resource for the architectural history of Bowdoin’s campus buildings, gates, and memorials.

The History of Bowdoin College: With Biographical Sketches of Its Graduates from 1806 to 1879, Inclusive

Date: 1882-01-01

Creator: Nehemiah Cleaveland, Alpheus S. Packard

Access: Open access

The History of Bowdoin College: With Biographical Sketches of Its Graduates from 1806 to 1879, Inclusive (1882), by Nehemiah Cleaveland and Alpheus S. Packard, provides encyclopedic biographical sketches of Bowdoin presidents and graduates for most of the nineteenth century, along with engraved portraits for many of them.

Bilad al-brazil: The importance of west african scholars in brazilian islamic education and practice in historic and contemporary perspective

Date: 2021-02-01

Creator: Ayodeji Ogunnaike

Access: Open access

While it is well established now that the middle passage did not entirely separate Africans who were forcibly brought to the Americas from their home cultures and traditions, these connections are often studied and understood in the form of survivals or ancestral memory. This paper argues that in major urban centers in Brazil until around the time of World War I, West Africans not only managed to recreate Islamic communities and intellectual traditions, but maintained important contacts with their homelands. In much the same way that scholars have argued that the Sahara constituted an avenue of exchange and connection between North Africa and Bilad al-Sudan, I argue here that the Atlantic Ocean was not an insurmountable barrier but provided opportunities for African Muslims to extend the traditions of Bilad al-Sudan into Brazil—albeit to a much lesser extent.

The History of Bowdoin College

Date: 1927-01-01

Creator: Louis Clinton Hatch

Access: Open access

The History of Bowdoin College (1927), by Louis Clinton Hatch, is the most detailed history of the College for the period from the College’s founding in 1794 until 1927. It is especially useful in documenting College traditions and curricular developments, and tangentially in recording social life in Brunswick.

From American Dream to American Reality: The Effect of Educational Expenditures on Intergenerational Mobility and the Great Gatsby Curve

Date: 2022-01-01

Creator: Isabel Krogh

Access: Open access

Income inequality and intergenerational mobility are two common measures of economic fairness in society. While they measure distinct ideas, they are significantly related in an inverse way across countries as well as across regions in the United States. This relationship is illustrated on the Great Gatsby Curve. Unequal access to education is one factor that has been found to drive the negative relationship between these two measures and therefore create the negatively sloping Great Gatsby Curve. Therefore, creating more equal access to education, such as through government spending, could lessen the connection between these two factors. The primary purpose of this research is to explore the effect of public educational expenditure on intergenerational mobility as well as on the slope of the Great Gatsby Curve. At the primary/secondary education level, this study finds that places with higher public spending on education tend to have higher levels of intergenerational mobility. However, no significant relationship is found between spending on tertiary education and intergenerational mobility. In addition, while higher primary/secondary educational spending is associated with a flatter Great Gatsby Curve at the school district level, these results were not consistent at the commuting zone level, so no strong conclusions can be made about the effect of public educational expenditures as a mediating factor of the Great Gatsby Curve.

A Small College in Maine

Date: 1993-01-01

Creator: Charles C Calhoun

Access: Open access

A Small College in Maine (1993), by Charles Calhoun and published in conjunction with Bowdoin’s bicentenary, provides a readable, illustrated history of the College. Calhoun cites numerous primary resources that are helpful for further historical inquiry.

Tradition et Nouveauté: Une étude du baccalauréat et de la réforme Blanquer

Date: 2020-01-01

Creator: Fiona Carey

Access: Open access

The baccalauréat exam has played a significant role in the lives of French high schoolers for more than two centuries. Not only does the exam determine a student’s eligibility for university, it is a long-standing national tradition and an important aspect of French identity. The baccalauréat consists of a core curriculum and a choice of specialties, all of which prepare students for the exams that they will take in their last two years of high school. In 2018, Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer announced a reform to the baccalauréat that would drastically alter the content and structure of the exam. Blanquer’s reform offers students a wider variety of specialties and in doing so hopes to eliminate the supposed hierarchies which have historically valued sciences over other subject matters. This reform revolutionizes the system while simultaneously remaining deeply rooted in tradition. While Blanquer’s reform introduces changes to the core curriculum and an entirely new list of specialties, it preserves other aspects of the French education system, particularly the mandatory study of philosophy. This thesis examines the contrasting novelty and tradition of Blanquer’s baccalauréat. In order to understand the intent and implications of his reform, this thesis studies a series of historic reforms, provides a detailed explanation of Blanquer’s changes, and finally discusses a selection of anonymous survey responses concerning its potential impacts. In discussing these survey responses, I highlight three main themes: (1) hierarchies and freedom of choice, (2) collectivity and individuality, and (3) the role of nationalism in the baccalauréat.

Religion at Bowdoin College: A History

Date: 1981-01-01

Creator: Ernst Christian Helmreich

Access: Open access

Religion at Bowdoin College: A History (1981), by Ernst Christian Helmreich, considers how people at Bowdoin have perceived religion, how they have felt religion should or should not be realized at the College, and how those views changed over the years.