Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Items
Sri Lanka in 2017: Sluggish on many fronts
Date: 2018-01-01
Creator: Sree Padma
Access: Open access
- Sri Lanka's 69-year-old parliamentary democracy continues with power concentrated at the center, and consequently, the country's non-Sinhala-Buddhist minorities on the periphery continue to press for equal rights, while ethnic strife hinders prospects for unified progress. Maithripala Sirisena, president since 2015, promises reconciliation but has received little cooperation from the majority Sinhala Buddhists.
Evaluating democracy: The 1946 U.S. education mission to Germany
Date: 2005-06-01
Creator: Charles Dorn
Access: Open access
- Following World War II, a group of American educators was assigned the task of evaluating the U.S. military government's program for reconstructing Germany's educational system. Although issuing a generally positive report, this education mission identified a number of persistent tensions that ultimately undermined America's efforts to rehabilitate and reform German schooling. As with the American occupation of Germany during the postwar era, current U.S. foreign policy directives include establishing educational institutions in the "broader Middle East" as a primary mechanism for inculcating democratic values and ideals. Determining America's success with these efforts, especially in ideologically conservative nations, poses a significant challenge to evaluators. Through an analysis of the 1946 Report of the United States Education Mission to Germany, this article presents a historical case study of the stumbling blocks, failings, and successes of one attempt to evaluate efforts in infusing democratic values into educational institutions in a fallen totalitarian state. © 2005 American Evaluation Association.
Political Polupragmones: Busybody Athenians, Meddlesome Citizenship, and Epistemic Democracy in Classical Athens
Date: 2016-01-01
Creator: Harry D Rube
Access: Open access
- The figure of the πολυπράγμων, the overactive, over-engaged, or meddlesome democratic citizen, is a literary trope that emerges in Classical Athenian literature in the 5th and 4th centuries B.C. This project seeks to use the πολυπράγμων as an entry point into understanding Athenian attitudes toward citizenship and socially acceptable political behaviors in Athens’ democratic era. I explore the history and usage of the term πολυπράγμων, and the associated characteristic of πολυπραγμοσύνη (meddlesomeness), and its synonyms and antecedents. I demonstrate that to be labeled πολυπράγμων is a term of social restraint—one is named a πολυπράγμων if they do not “mind their own business.” In 5th century Athens such an admonition is primarily political. It refers to and demonstrates the existence of a contested definition of what is and what is not acceptable political behavior on behalf of the non-elite citizens of Athens. Through a reading of Plato’s dialogues and an analysis of other Athenian literary productions describing street-level social and political interactions in the fourth century, I endeavor to demonstrate in the second half of this thesis that the behaviors of social inquisitiveness, over-activity, and the negative characteristics attributed to the πολυπράγμων by contemporary writers such as Plato, could actually have served to increase the common knowledge and cohesiveness of the Athenian city-state. To do this, I consider the πολυπράγμων through the lens of modern scholarship and social science that considers Athens as an “epistemic democracy” concerned with aggregating and employing politically useful information.

Nietzsche & the Destiny of Man: Human Greatness & Great Politics Access to this record is restricted to members of the Bowdoin community. Log in here to view.
- Restriction End Date: 2025-06-01
Date: 2024-01-01
Creator: Alexander Tully
Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community