Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Items
Characterization of the ELMO2 Protein that Mediates Cell Adhesion in Arabidopsis thaliana
Date: 2022-01-01
Creator: Devaki Rajiv
Access: Open access
- The binding of adjacent cells to one another, or cell adhesion, is critical for the growth and development of multicellular organisms. In plant cells, much evidence suggests that the amount and modification of pectin in the cell wall largely determines how well cell adhesion occurs. ELMO1 is a Golgi protein involved in pectin-mediated cellular adhesion, and mutations in ELMO1 lead to disrupted cell organization in Arabidopsis. ELMO1 is predicted to be a scaffold for pectin biosynthesis enzymes, and thus its absence leads to the adhesion-defective phenotype of elmo1-/- plants. There are four other ELMO homologues (ELMO2,3,4 and 5) which remain to be characterized as to their function and role in cell adhesion. This thesis focuses on the characterization of ELMO2, which has 79% amino acid similarity with ELMO1. A genetic analysis that evaluated elmo2 double mutants revealed that ELMO2 and ELMO1 have redundant functions. elmo1-/-/2-/- double mutants, but not elmo2-/- or elmo1-/- single mutants, have reduced tensile strengths. While elmo1-/- phenotypes are most pronounced in liquid media, they are partially rescued by growth on agar, suggesting a role of turgor in maintaining cell adhesion. Like ELMO1, ELMO2-GFP colocalizes with Golgi markers. The results suggest that like ELMO1, ELMO2 also functions as a scaffold for pectin biosynthesis enzymes in the Golgi.
The Role of ELMO5 in Arabidopsis thaliana Cell Adhesion
Date: 2022-01-01
Creator: Isabel Kristina Ball
Access: Open access
- Plant cell growth and development relies on proper cellular adhesion. As the extracellular matrix serves as the area of connection between two cells, its synthesis and maintenance are essential for cellular adhesion. The middle lamella region, the layer of the extracellular matrix between two adjacent cell walls, is diffuse with the polysaccharide pectin due to its delivery by Golgi vesicles early during cell division. A Ruthenium Red screen for cellular adhesion mutants identified the family of 5 ELMO proteins that are critical for proper cellular adhesion. To further our understanding of plant cellular adhesion and pathways of pectin synthesis and modification, this work investigates ELMO5. Plants homozygous for a T-DNA insertion in ELMO5 and a new deletion mutant allele generated using CRSPR do not have a cellular adhesion phenotype, suggesting it is either not critical for cellular adhesion or is redundant with another gene. Redundancy within the ELMO family is identified through the analysis of double mutants of elmo5 and each of the other four elmo genes. Both elmo1-/- elmo5-/-and elmo4-/- elmo5-/-mutants have a visibly worse cellular adhesion defect phenotype, suggesting partial redundancy through the ELMO family. The mutants are also rescued by growth on agar, pointing to the importance of turgor pressure and osmotic potential in modulating cellular adhesion. Both ELMO4 and ELMO5 were found to localize to the Golgi using a GFP fusion, consistent with a role for ELMOs as scaffold for pectin biosynthesis.
Mutation of an Arabidopsis Golgi membrane protein ELMO1 reduces cell adhesion
Date: 2021-05-01
Creator: Bruce D. Kohorn, Frances D.H. Zorensky, Jacob Dexter-Meldrum, Salem Chabout, Gregory, Mouille, Susan Kohorn
Access: Open access
- Plant growth, morphogenesis and development involve cellular adhesion, a process dependent on the composition and structure of the extracellular matrix or cell wall. Pectin in the cell wall is thought to play an essential role in adhesion, and its modification and cleavage are suggested to be highly regulated so as to change adhesive properties. To increase our understanding of plant cell adhesion, a population of ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized Arabidopsis were screened for hypocotyl adhesion defects using the pectin binding dye Ruthenium Red that penetrates defective but not wild-type (WT) hypocotyl cell walls. Genomic sequencing was used to identify a mutant allele of ELMO1 which encodes a 20 kDa Golgi membrane protein that has no predicted enzymatic domains. ELMO1 colocalizes with several Golgi markers and elmo1-/- plants can be rescued by an ELMO1-GFP fusion. elmo1-/- exhibits reduced mannose content relative to WT but no other cell wall changes and can be rescued to WT phenotype by mutants in ESMERALDA1, which also suppresses other adhesion mutants. elmo1 describes a previously unidentified role for the ELMO1 protein in plant cell adhesion.
The Role of the Golgi ELMO Proteins in Cell Adhesion in Arabidopsis thaliana
Date: 2021-01-01
Creator: Wesley James Hudson
Access: Open access
- Proper growth and development of plant cells is dependent upon successful cell adhesion between cells, and this is mostly mediated by pectin in the plant cell wall. Previously, the Kohorn Laboratory identified a non-enzymatic Golgi protein named ELMO1 as it is required for cell adhesion, likely acting as a scaffold for cell wall polymer synthesis. Plants with mutant ELMO1 demonstrate a weak defective cellular adhesion phenotype as well as reduced mannose content in the cell wall. ELMO1 has homologous proteins in at least 29 different vascular plants. These homologues have 2 possible deletions in their amino acid sequence, but protein modeling determined that these variations will not affect protein structure. There are 5 homologous ELMO1 proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana that have been aptly named ELMO2, ELMO3, ELMO4, ELMO5. elmo2-/-mutants revealed no mutant adhesion phenotypes, while elmo1-/-elmo2-/-double mutants revealed strong defects in adhesion. Confocal microscopy of propidium iodide-stained seedlings confirmed the lack of a phenotype for elmo2-/-mutants and showed disorganized gapping cells for the elmo1-/-elmo2-/-mutant. Additionally, while elmo2-/-did not have any change to root or hypocotyl length, elmo1-/-elmo2-/- mutants were significantly shorter in both regards. Taken together, these data support that ELMO2 and ELMO1 are partially redundant.