Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Items
The Current Hunt for Nitric Oxide's Effects on the Homarus americanus Cardiac Ganglion
Date: 2022-01-01
Creator: Joanna Lin
Access: Open access
- The crustacean heartbeat is produced and modulated by the cardiac ganglion (CG), a central pattern generator. In the American lobster, Homarus americanus, the CG consists of 4 small premotor cells (SCs) that electrically and chemically synapse onto 5 large motor cells (LCs). Rhythmic driver potentials in the SCs generate bursting in the LCs, which elicit downstream cardiac muscle contractions that are essential for physiological functions. Endogenous neuromodulators mediate changes in the CG to meet homeostatic demands caused by environmental stressors. Nitric oxide (NO), a gaseous neuromodulator, inhibits the lobster CG. Heart contractions release NO, which directly decreases the CG burst frequency and indirectly decreases the heartbeat amplitude, to mediate negative feedback. I investigated NO’s inhibitory effects on the CG to further understand the mechanisms underlying intrinsic feedback. Using extracellular recordings, I examined NO modulation of the SCs and LCs when coupled in the intact circuit and when firing independently in the ligatured preparation. Using two-electrode voltage clamp, I additionally analyzed the modulation of channel kinetics. Based on previous studies, I hypothesized that NO decreases the burst frequency of the LCs and SCs by modulating conductance properties of the voltage-gated A-type potassium current (IA). My data showed that NO decreased the burst frequency in the LCs and the burst duration in the SCs in a state-dependent manner. Furthermore, NO increased the IA inactivation time constant to decrease the LCs’ burst frequency. Thus, NO mediated inhibitory effects on cardiac output by differentially targeting both cell types and altering the IA current kinetics.
Effects of octopamine and tyramine on the cardiac system of the lobster, Homarus americanus
Date: 2019-05-01
Creator: Casey Breslow
Access: Open access
- Modulation in neural systems is important for regulating physiology and behavior (Wright et al., 2010). Peptides, hormones, and amines are common neural modulators, acting on many neural systems across species. One group of neural networks that can be regulated are central pattern generators (CPGs), which generate rhythmic neural patterns, which drive behaviors (Marder and Bucher, 2001). Octopamine, and its precursor tyramine, are two amines that have been found to regulate (CPGs) across species (Cooke, 2002; Fussnecker et al., 2006). One role of octopamine in the decapod neurogenic heart is regulating the frequency and the duration of heart beats. However, the precise site of octopamine modulation within the cardiac system is not yet known (Kurumoto and Ebara, 1991). One possible site of action is the cardiac ganglion (CG), the CPG in decapod hearts. The transcripts for the enzymes required to synthesize octopamine from tyramine have been identified and localized in the CG (Christie et al., 2018). This would suggest that octopamine is produced in the CG, where it could have a direct action on those neurons, or it could be released peripherally. We have found individual variation in the response to octopamine and its precursor tyramine, and significant effects of frequency and contraction amplitude in the whole heart.
Interaction of stretch feedback and beat regularity in response to AMGSEFLamide in the heart of Homarus americanus
Date: 2020-01-01
Creator: William Allen
Access: Open access
- Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural circuits whose component neurons possess intrinsic properties and synaptic connections that allow them to generate rhythmic motor outputs in the absence of descending inputs. The cardiac ganglion (CG) is a nine-cell CPG located in the American lobster, Homarus americanus. Stretch of the myocardium feeds back to the CG through mechano-sensitive dendrites and is thought to play a role in maintaining regularity in the beating pattern of the heart. The novel peptide AMGSEFLamide has been observed to induce irregular beating patterns when applied at high concentrations. This study investigated the interaction between stretch-related feedback and AMGSEFLamide modulation in generating irregular beating patterns in the whole heart of Homarus americanus. It was hypothesized that greater longitudinal stretch of the heart would result in greater regularity in the instantaneous beat frequency, based on previous findings that stretch-sensitive dendrites play a role in the regulation of the heartbeat. Furthermore, it was predicted that the elimination of stretch feedback via deafferentation of the heart would augment the irregularity induced by AMGSEFLamide. Data showed significantly increased irregularity in beating in response to 10-6 M AMGSEFLamide application. Longitudinal stretch did not reliably alter baseline variability in frequency, nor did it influence the modulatory effect of AMGSEFLamide. Deafferentation did not significantly alter baseline irregularity. Deafferented preparations did exhibit a trend of responding to AMGSEFLamide with a greater percent increase in irregularity compared to when afferents were intact, suggesting a potential role of stretch-stabilization in response to modulatory perturbations in the Homarus heart.

The Role of the Nitric Oxide Negative Feedback Loop in the Stability of the Lobster Cardiac Ganglion Homarus americanus Access to this record is restricted to members of the Bowdoin community. Log in here to view.
Date: 2020-01-01
Creator: Marie Marjorie Bergsund
Access: Access restricted to the Bowdoin Community