Showing 721 - 730 of 4695 Items

Manipulation of Fgf and Bmp signaling in teleost fishes suggests potential pathways for the evolutionary origin of multicuspid teeth

Date: 2013-03-01

Creator: William R. Jackman

Shelby H. Davies

David B. Lyons

Caitlin K. Stauder

Benjamin R., Denton-Schneider

Andrea Jowdry

Sharon R. Aigler

Scott A. Vogel

David W. Stock

Access: Open access

Teeth with two or more cusps have arisen independently from an ancestral unicuspid condition in a variety of vertebrate lineages, including sharks, teleost fishes, amphibians, lizards, and mammals. One potential explanation for the repeated origins of multicuspid teeth is the existence of multiple adaptive pathways leading to them, as suggested by their different uses in these lineages. Another is that the addition of cusps required only minor changes in genetic pathways regulating tooth development. Here we provide support for the latter hypothesis by demonstrating that manipulation of the levels of Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) or Bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) signaling produces bicuspid teeth in the zebrafish (Danio rerio), a species lacking multicuspid teeth in its ancestry. The generality of these results for teleosts is suggested by the conversion of unicuspid pharyngeal teeth into bicuspid teeth by similar manipulations of the Mexican Tetra (Astyanax mexicanus). That these manipulations also produced supernumerary teeth in both species supports previous suggestions of similarities in the molecular control of tooth and cusp number. We conclude that despite their apparent complexity, the evolutionary origin of multicuspid teeth is positively constrained, likely requiring only slight modifications of a pre-existing mechanism for patterning the number and spacing of individual teeth. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Constructing a scientist: Expert authority and public images of Rachel Carson

Date: 2011-06-01

Creator: David K. Hecht

Access: Open access

This article uses the voluminous public discourse around Rachel Carson and her controversial bestseller Silent Spring to explore Americans' views on science and scientists. Carson provides a particularly interesting case study because of intense and public debates over whether she was a scientist at all, and therefore whether her book should be granted legitimacy as science. Her career defied easy classification, as she acted variously as writer, activist, and environmentalist in addition to scientist. Defending her work as legitimate science, which many though not all commentators did, therefore became an act of defining what both science and scientists could and should be. This article traces the variety of nonscientific images and narratives readers and writers assigned to Carson, such as "reluctant crusader" and "scientist-poet." It argues that nonscientific attributes were central to legitimating her as both admirable person and admirable scientist. It explores how debates over Silent Spring can be usefully read as debates over the desirability of putatively nonscientific attributes in the professional work of a scientist. And it examines the nature of Carson's very democratized image for changing notions of science and scientists in 1960s United States politics and culture. © 2011 by the Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Does political advertising persuade?

Date: 2007-12-01

Creator: Michael M. Franz

Travis N. Ridout

Access: Open access

Well over $1 billion was spent on televised political advertising in the U.S. in 2004. Given the ubiquity of the 30 second spot, one might presume that ads must affect viewers' vote choices. Somewhat surprisingly, though, scholars have yet to make much progress in confirming this claim. In this paper, we leverage a comprehensive dataset that tracks political ads in the nation's top media markets and a survey of presidential and U.S. Senate voters in 2004. We ask whether exposure to presidential and Senate advertising influences voters' evaluations of candidates and the choices that they make at the ballot box. In the end, we find considerable evidence that advertising persuades-and that its impact varies depending on the characteristics of the viewer. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

Evaluating measures of campaign advertising exposure on political learning

Date: 2004-09-01

Creator: Travis N. Ridout

Dhavan V. Shah

Kenneth M. Goldstein

Michael M. Franz

Access: Open access

Scholars employ various methods to measure exposure to televised political advertising but often arrive at conflicting conclusions about its impact on the thoughts and actions of citizens. We attempt to clarify one of these debates while validating a parsimonious measure of political advertising exposure. To do so, we assess the predictive power of six different measurement approaches - from the simple to the complex - on learning about political candidates. Two datasets are used in this inquiry: (1) geo-coded political advertising time-buy data, and (2) a national panel study concerning patterns of media consumption and levels of political knowledge. We conclude that many traditional methods of assessing exposure are flawed. Fortunately, there is a relatively simple measure that predicts knowledge about information featured in ads. This measure involves combining a tally of the volume of advertisements aired in a market with a small number of survey questions about the television viewing habits of geo-coded respondents.

Evaluating the Return in Ecosystem Services from Investment in Public Land Acquisitions

Date: 2013-06-11

Creator: Kent Kovacs

Stephen Polasky

Erik Nelson

Bonnie L. Keeler

Derric, Pennington

Andrew J. Plantinga

Steven J. Taff

Access: Open access

We evaluate the return on investment (ROI) from public land conservation in the state of Minnesota, USA. We use a spatially-explicit modeling tool, the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST), to estimate how changes in land use and land cover (LULC), including public land acquisitions for conservation, influence the joint provision and value of multiple ecosystem services. We calculate the ROI of a public conservation acquisition as the ratio of the present value of ecosystem services generated by the conservation to the cost of the conservation. For the land scenarios analyzed, carbon sequestration services generated the greatest benefits followed by water quality improvements and recreation opportunities. We found ROI values ranged from 0.21 to 5.28 depending on assumptions about future land use change, service values, and discount rate. Our study suggests conservation is a good investment as long as investments are targeted to areas with low land costs and high service values. © 2013 Kovacs et al.

Campaign advertising and democratic citizenship

Date: 2004-01-01

Creator: Paul Freedman

Michael Franz

Kenneth Goldstein

Access: Open access

Concern about the state of American democracy is a staple of political science and popular commentary. Critics warn that levels of citizen participation and political knowledge are disturbingly low and that seemingly ubiquitous political advertising is contributing to the problem. We argue that political advertising is rife with both informational and emotional content and actually contributes to a more informed, more engaged, and more participatory citizenry. With detailed advertising data from the 2000 election, we show that exposure to campaign advertising produces citizens who are more interested in the election, have more to say about the candidates, are more familiar with who is running, and ultimately are more likely to vote. Importantly, these effects are concentrated among those citizens who need it most: those with the lowest pre-existing levels of political information.

Pleiotropic functions of embryonic sonic hedgehog expression link jaw and taste bud amplification with eye loss during cavefish evolution

Date: 2009-06-01

Creator: Yoshiyuki Yamamoto

Mardi S. Byerly

William R. Jackman

William R. Jeffery

Access: Open access

This study addresses the role of sonic hedgehog (shh) in increasing oral-pharyngeal constructive traits (jaws and taste buds) at the expense of eyes in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus. In cavefish embryos, eye primordia degenerate under the influence of hyperactive Shh signaling. In concert, cavefish show amplified jaw size and taste bud numbers as part of a change in feeding behavior. To determine whether pleiotropic effects of hyperactive Shh signaling link these regressive and constructive traits, shh expression was compared during late development of the surface-dwelling (surface fish) and cave-dwelling (cavefish) forms of Astyanax. After an initial expansion along the midline of early embryos, shh was elevated in the oral-pharyngeal region in cavefish and later was confined to taste buds. The results of shh inhibition and overexpression experiments indicate that Shh signaling has an important role in oral and taste bud development. Conditional overexpression of an injected shh transgene at specific times in development showed that taste bud amplification and eye degeneration are sensitive to shh overexpression during the same early developmental period, although taste buds are not formed until much later. Genetic crosses between cavefish and surface fish revealed an inverse relationship between eye size and jaw size/taste bud number, supporting a link between oral-pharyngeal constructive traits and eye degeneration. The results suggest that hyperactive Shh signaling increases oral and taste bud amplification in cavefish at the expense of eyes. Therefore, selection for constructive oral-pharyngeal traits may be responsible for eye loss during cavefish evolution via pleiotropic function of the Shh signaling pathway. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Demonstration of Dispersive Rarefaction Shocks in Hollow Elliptical Cylinder Chains

Date: 2018-05-11

Creator: H. Kim

E. Kim

C. Chong

P. G. Kevrekidis

J., Yang

Access: Open access

We report an experimental and numerical demonstration of dispersive rarefaction shocks (DRS) in a 3D-printed soft chain of hollow elliptical cylinders. We find that, in contrast to conventional nonlinear waves, these DRS have their lower amplitude components travel faster, while the higher amplitude ones propagate slower. This results in the backward-tilted shape of the front of the wave (the rarefaction segment) and the breakage of wave tails into a modulated waveform (the dispersive shock segment). Examining the DRS under various impact conditions, we find the counterintuitive feature that the higher striker velocity causes the slower propagation of the DRS. These unique features can be useful for mitigating impact controllably and efficiently without relying on material damping or plasticity effects.

Limitations and potential of commercially available rhodamine WT as a groundwater tracer

Date: 2001-06-09

Creator: D. J. Sutton

Z. J. Kabala

A. Francisco

D. Vasudevan

Access: Open access

We conducted chemical characterization, batch, column, and modeling studies to elucidate the sorption and transport of rhodamine WT (RWT) in the subsurface. The sand-pack material from the Lizzie field site near Greenville, North Carolina, served as our porous media. Our study confirms earlier results that RWT consists of two isomers with different sorption properties. It also shows that the two isomers have distinct emission spectra and are equally distributed in the RWT solution. The presence of the two isomers with different sorption properties and distinct emission spectra introduces an error in measuring the RWT concentration with fluorometers during porous media tracer studies. The two isomers become chromatographically separated during transport and thus arrive in a different concentration ratio than that of the RWT solutions used for fluorometer calibration and test injection. We found that this groundwater tracer chromatographic error could be as high as 7.8%. We fit six different reactive-solute transport models of varying complexity to our four column experiments. A two-solute, two-site sorption transport model that accounts for nonequilibrium sorption accurately describes the breakthrough curves of the shorter-timescale column experiments. However, possibly due to the groundwater tracer chromatographic error we discovered, this model, or a similar one that accounts for a Freundlich isotherm for one of the solutes, fails to describe the RWT transport in the longer-timescale column experiments. The presence of the two RWT isomers may complicate the interpretation of field tracer tests because a shoulder, or any two peaks in a breakthrough curve, could result from either aquifer heterogeneity or the different arrival times of the two isomers. In cases where isomer 2 sorbs to such an extent that its breakthrough is not recorded during a test, only isomer 1 is measured, and therefore only 50% of the injected mass is recorded. Isomer 1 of RWT can be accurately modeled with a one-solute, two-site, nonequilibrium sorption model. This conclusion and the results from our batch studies suggest that RWT isomer 1 is an effective groundwater tracer but that the presence of isomer 2 hampers its effectiveness.

“Mayra Santos-Febres: El lenguaje de los cuerpos”. A Body of One’s Own: Conversations with Caribbean Women Writers

Date: 2008-01-01

Creator: Nadia V. Celis Salgado

Mayra Santos Febres

Access: Open access