Showing 711 - 720 of 733 Items

The twin spot generator for differential Drosophila lineage analysis

Date: 2009-07-28

Creator: Ruth Griffin, Anne Sustar, Marianne Bonvin, Richard Binari, Alberto, del Valle Rodriguez, Amber M. Hohl, Jack R. Bateman, Christians Villalta, Elleard Heffern, Didier Grunwald, Chris Bakal, Claude Desplan, Gerold Schubiger, C. Ting Wu, Norbert Perrimon

Access: Open access

In Drosophila melanogaster, widely used mitotic recombination-based strategies generate mosaic flies with positive readout for only one daughter cell after division. To differentially label both daughter cells, we developed the twin spot generator (TSG) technique, which through mitotic recombination generates green and red twin spots that are detectable after the first cell division as single cells. We propose wide applications of TSG to lineage and genetic mosaic studies.

The tyrosine kinase Abl and its substrate enabled collaborate with the receptor phosphatase Dlar to control motor axon guidance

Date: 1999-01-01

Creator: Zachary Wills, Jack Bateman, Christopher A. Korey, Allen Comer, David, Van Vactor

Access: Open access

Genetic analysis of growth cone guidance choice points in Drosophila identified neuronal receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) as key determinants of axon pathfinding behavior. We now demonstrate that the Drosophila Abl tyrosine kinase functions in the intersegmental nerve b (ISNb) motor choice point pathway as an antagonist of the RPTP Dlar. The function of Abl in this pathway is dependent on an intact catalytic domain. We also show that the Abl phosphoprotein substrate Enabled (Ena) is required for choice point navigation. Both Abl and Ena proteins associate with the Dlar cytoplasmic domain and serve as substrates for Dlar in vitro, suggesting that they play a direct role in the Dlar pathway. These data suggest that Dlar, Abl, and Ena define a phosphorylation state-dependent switch that controls growth cone behavior by transmitting signals at the cell surface to the actin cytoskeleton.

Partitioning of the global fossil CO2 sink using a 19-year trend in atmospheric O2

Date: 1999-07-01

Creator: R. L. Langenfelds, R. J. Francey, L. P. Steele, M. Battle, R. F., Keeling, W. F. Budd

Access: Open access

O2/N2 is measured in the Cape Grim Air Archive (CGAA), a suite of tanks filled with background air at Cape Grim, Tasmania (40.7°S, 144.8°E) between April 1978 and January 1997. Derived trends are compared with published O2/N2 records and assessed against limits on interannual variability of net terrestrial exchanges imposed by trends of δ13C in CO2. Two old samples from 1978 and 1987 and eight from 1996/97 survive critical selection criteria and give a mean 19-year trend in δ(O2/N2) of -16.7 ± 0.5 per meg yr-1, implying net storage of +2.3 ± 0.7 GtC (1015 g carbon) yr-1 of fossil fuel CO2 in the oceans and +0.2 ± 0.9 GtC yr-1 in the terrestrial biosphere. The uptake terms are consistent for both O2/N2 and δ13C tracers if the mean 13C isotopic disequilibrium flux, combining terrestrial and oceanic contributions, is 93 ± 15 GtC ‰ yr-1. Copyright 1999 by the American Geophysical Union.

Responses of stomatal features and photosynthesis to porewater N enrichment and elevated atmospheric CO2 in Phragmites australis, the common reed

Date: 2021-04-01

Creator: Julian R. Garrison, Joshua S. Caplan, Vladimir Douhovnikoff, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Barry A. Logan

Access: Open access

PREMISE: Biological invasions increasingly threaten native biodiversity and ecosystem services. One notable example is the common reed, Phragmites australis, which aggressively invades North American salt marshes. Elevated atmospheric CO2 and nitrogen pollution enhance its growth and facilitate invasion because P. australis responds more strongly to these enrichments than do native species. We investigated how modifications to stomatal features contribute to strong photosynthetic responses to CO2 and nitrogen enrichment in P. australis by evaluating stomatal shifts under experimental conditions and relating them to maximal stomatal conductance (gwmax) and photosynthetic rates. METHODS: Plants were grown in situ in open-top chambers under ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 (eCO2) and porewater nitrogen (Nenr) in a Chesapeake Bay tidal marsh. We measured light-saturated carbon assimilation rates (Asat) and stomatal characteristics, from which we calculated gwmax and determined whether CO2 and Nenr altered the relationship between gwmax and Asat. RESULTS: eCO2 and Nenr enhanced both gwmax and Asat, but to differing degrees; gwmax was more strongly influenced by Nenr through increases in stomatal density while Asat was more strongly stimulated by eCO2. There was a positive relationship between gwmax and Asat that was not modified by eCO2 or Nenr, individually or in combination. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in stomatal features co-occur with previously described responses of P. australis to eCO2 and Nenr. Complementary responses of stomatal length and density to these global change factors may facilitate greater stomatal conductance and carbon gain, contributing to the invasiveness of the introduced lineage.

Measurement of cabibbo-suppressed decays of the τ lepton

Date: 1994-01-01

Creator: M. Battle, J. Ernst, Y. Kwon, S. Roberts, E. H., Thorndike, C. H. Wang, J. Dominick, M. Lambrecht, S. Sanghera, V. Shelkov, T. Skwarnicki, R. Stroynowski, I. Volobouev, G. Wei, P. Zadorozhny, M. Artuso, M. Goldberg, D. He, N. Horwitz, R. Kennett, R. Mountain, G. C. Moneti, F. Muheim, Y. Muheim, S. Playfer, Y. Rozen, S. Stone, M. Thulasidas, G. Vasseur, G. Zhu, J. Bartelt

Access: Open access

Branching ratios for the dominant Cabibbo-suppressed decays of the τ lepton have been measured by CLEO II in e+e- annihilation at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (s∼10.6 GeV) using kaons with momenta below 0.7 GeV/c. The inclusive branching ratio into one charged kaon is (1.60 ± 0.12 ± 0.19)%. For the exclusive decays, B(τ-→K-ντ)=(0.66±0.07±0.09)%, B(τ-→K-π0ντ)=(0.51±0.10±0.07)%, and, based on three events, B(τ-→K-2π0ντ)<0.3% at the 90% confidence level. These represent significant improvements over previous results. B(τ-→K-π0ντ) is measured for the first time with exclusive π0 reconstruction. © 1994 The American Physical Society.

Search for τ-→γμ-: A test of lepton number conservation

Date: 1993-01-01

Creator: A. Bean, J. Gronberg, R. Kutschke, S. Menary, R. J., Morrison, H. Nelson, J. Richman, H. Tajima, D. Schmidt, D. Sperka, M. Witherell, M. Procario, S. Yang, M. Daoudi, W. T. Ford, D. R. Johnson, K. Lingel, M. Lohner, P. Rankin, J. G. Smith, J. P. Alexander, C. Bebek, K. Berkelman, D. Besson, T. E. Browder, D. G. Cassel, D. M. Coffman, P. S. Drell, R. Ehrlich, R. S. Galik, M. Garcia-Sciveres

Access: Open access

A search for the lepton mumber violating decay of the τ lepton to the γμ final state has been performed with the CLEO II detector at the Cornell e+e- storage ring CESR. In a data sample that corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.55 fb-1, we observe no candidates in the signal region. We thus determine an upper limit of B(τ-→γμ-)<4. 2×10-6 at 90% confidence level. © 1993 The American Physical Society.

Circadian signaling in Homarus americanus: Region-specific de novo assembled transcriptomes show that both the brain and eyestalk ganglia possess the molecular components of a putative clock system

Date: 2018-07-01

Creator: Andrew E. Christie, Andy Yu, Micah G. Pascual, Vittoria Roncalli, Matthew C., Cieslak, Amanda N. Warner, Tess J. Lameyer, Meredith E. Stanhope, Patsy S. Dickinson, J. Joe Hull

Access: Open access

Essentially all organisms exhibit recurring patterns of physiology/behavior that oscillate with a period of ~24-h and are synchronized to the solar day. Crustaceans are no exception, with robust circadian rhythms having been documented in many members of this arthropod subphylum. However, little is known about the molecular underpinnings of their circadian rhythmicity. Moreover, the location of the crustacean central clock has not been firmly established, although both the brain and eyestalk ganglia have been hypothesized as loci. The American lobster, Homarus americanus, is known to exhibit multiple circadian rhythms, and immunodetection data suggest that its central clock is located within the eyestalk ganglia rather than in the brain. Here, brain- and eyestalk ganglia-specific transcriptomes were generated and used to assess the presence/absence of transcripts encoding the commonly recognized protein components of arthropod circadian signaling systems in these two regions of the lobster central nervous system. Transcripts encoding putative homologs of the core clock proteins clock, cryptochrome 2, cycle, period and timeless were found in both the brain and eyestalk ganglia assemblies, as were transcripts encoding similar complements of putative clock-associated, clock input pathway and clock output pathway proteins. The presence and identity of transcripts encoding core clock proteins in both regions were confirmed using PCR. These findings suggest that both the brain and eyestalk ganglia possess all of the molecular components needed for the establishment of a circadian signaling system. Whether the brain and eyestalk clocks are independent of one another or represent a single timekeeping system remains to be determined. Interestingly, while most of the proteins deduced from the identified transcripts are shared by both the brain and eyestalk ganglia, assembly-specific isoforms were also identified, e.g., several period variants, suggesting the possibility of region-specific variation in clock function, especially if the brain and eyestalk clocks represent independent oscillators.

Identification of SYWKQCAFNAVSCFamide: A broadly conserved crustacean C-type allatostatin-like peptide with both neuromodulatory and cardioactive properties

Date: 2009-04-15

Creator: Patsy S. Dickinson, Teerawat Wiwatpanit, Emily R. Gabranski, Rachel J. Ackerman, Jake S., Stevens, Christopher R. Cashman, Elizabeth A. Stemmler, Andrew E. Christie

Access: Open access

The allatostatins comprise three structurally distinct peptide families that regulate juvenile hormone production by the insect corpora allata. A-type family members contain the C-terminal motif -YXFGLamide and have been found in species from numerous arthropod taxa. Members of the B-type family exhibit a -WX6Wamide C-terminus and, like the A-type peptides, appear to be broadly conserved within the Arthropoda. By contrast, members of the C-type family, typified by the unblocked C-terminus -PISCF, a pyroglutamine blocked N-terminus, and a disulfide bridge between two internal Cys residues, have only been found in holometabolous insects, i.e. lepidopterans and dipterans. Here, using transcriptomics, we have identified SYWKQCAFNAVSCFamide (disulfide bridging predicted between the two Cys residues), a known honeybee and water flea C-typelike peptide, from the American lobster Homarus americanus (infraorder Astacidea). Using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform mass spectrometry (MALDI-FTMS), a mass corresponding to that of SYWKQCAFNAVSCFamide was detected in the H. americanus brain, supporting the existence of this peptide and its theorized structure. Furthermore, SYWKQCAFNAVSCFamide was detected by MALDI-FTMS in neural tissues from five additional astacideans as well as 19 members of four other decapod infraorders (i.e. Achelata, Anomura, Brachyura and Thalassinidea), suggesting that it is a broadly conserved decapod peptide. In H. americanus, SYWKQCAFNAVSCFamide is capable of modulating the output of both the pyloric circuit of the stomatogastric nervous system and the heart. This is the first demonstration of bioactivity for this peptide in any species.

Seeking shear waves in liquids with picosecond ultrasonics

Date: 2007-12-01

Creator: M. E. Msall, O. B. Wright, O. Matsuda

Access: Open access

Picosecond shear acoustic pulses can be generated in solids using ultrashort optical pulses. Here we use this technique to seek high frequency shear waves in water, ethylene glycol and glycerol while simultaneously measuring high frequency longitudinal wave velocity and attenuation. We use a silica thin film on (114) GaAs to generate shear and longitudinal acoustic pulses at frequencies up to ∼50 GHz by ultrashort pulsed optical excitation. The acoustic pulses are transmitted into adjacent liquids, and are detected through variations in the optical reflectivity. Although we could not detect shear waves in these liquids, we did detect gigahertz longitudinal elastic stiffening. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.

De novo assembly of a transcriptome for the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus prothoracic ganglion: An invertebrate model for investigating adult central nervous system compensatory plasticity

Date: 2018-07-01

Creator: Harrison P. Fisher, Micah G. Pascual, Sylvia I. Jimenez, David A. Michaelson, Colby T., Joncas, Eleanor D. Quenzer, Andrew E. Christie, Hadley W. Horch

Access: Open access

The auditory system of the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, demonstrates an unusual amount of anatomical plasticity in response to injury, even in adults. Unilateral removal of the ear causes deafferented auditory neurons in the prothoracic ganglion to sprout dendrites across the midline, a boundary they typically respect, and become synaptically connected to the auditory afferents of the contralateral ear. The molecular basis of this sprouting and novel synaptogenesis in the adult is not understood. We hypothesize that well-conserved developmental guidance cues may recapitulate their guidance functions in the adult in order to facilitate this compensatory growth. As a first step in testing this hypothesis, we have generated a de novo assembly of a prothoracic ganglion transcriptome derived from control and deafferented adult individuals. We have mined this transcriptome for orthologues of guidance molecules from four well-conserved signaling families: Slit, Netrin, Ephrin, and Semaphorin. Here we report that transcripts encoding putative orthologues of most of the candidate developmental ligands and receptors from these signaling families were present in the assembly, indicating expression in the adult G. bimaculatus prothoracic ganglion.