Showing 241 - 250 of 733 Items
Date: 1993-01-01
Creator: A. S. Johnson, K. P. Sebens
Access: Open access
- Per polyp feeding rate was independent of the horizontal planform area of colonies. At the lowest velocities, most particles were captured on the upstream edge or in the middle of colonies, but all positional bias in capture rate disappeared at higher velocities. Particle capture and increasing flow speed were negatively associated. There were small, but measurable, differences in mean tentacle length between corals feeding at different velocities. Velocity-dependent feeding rate at most velocities was thus related to changes in flow rather than to changes in feeding behavior. Experiments in which corals were turned upside down revealed that the increased capture rate for rightside-up corals feeding at low velocity could be almost entirely accounted for by gravitational deposition of particles on the corals' tentacles. The tentacles form a canopy within which water movement was slowed, possibly facilitating gravitational deposition of non-buoyant or sinking food particles. -from Authors
Date: 2015-01-01
Creator: Michael J. Frank, Chris Gagne, Erika Nyhus, Sean Masters, Thomas V., Wiecki, James F. Cavanagh, David Badre
Access: Open access
- What are the neural dynamics of choice processes during reinforcement learning? Two largely separate literatures have examined dynamics of reinforcement learning (RL) as a function of experience but assuming a static choice process, or conversely, the dynamics of choice processes in decision making but based on static decision values. Here we show that human choice processes during RL are well described by a drift diffusion model (DDM) of decision making in which the learned trial-by-trial reward values are sequentially sampled, with a choice made when the value signal crosses a decision threshold. Moreover, simultaneous fMRI and EEG recordings revealed that this decision threshold is not fixed across trials but varies as a function of activity in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and is further modulated by trial-by-trial measures of decision conflict and activity in the dorsomedial frontal cortex (pre-SMABOLDand mediofrontal theta in EEG). These findings provide converging multimodal evidence for a model in which decision threshold in reward-based tasks is adjusted as a function of communication from pre-SMA to STN when choices differ subtly in reward values, allowing more time to choose the statistically more rewarding option.
Date: 2009-12-01
Creator: Matthew Horak, Melanie Stein, Jennifer Taback
Access: Open access
- We introduce a new method for computing the word length of an element of Thompson's group F with respect to a "consecutive" generating set of the form Xn = {x0,x1, ⋯, xn}, which is a subset of the standard infinite generating set for F. We use this method to show that (F, Xn) is not almost convex, and has pockets of increasing, though bounded, depth dependent on n. © 2009 World Scientific Publishing Company.
Date: 2006-09-15
Creator: Sean Cleary, Murray Elder, Jennifer Taback
Access: Open access
- We study languages of geodesics in lamplighter groups and Thompson's group F. We show that the lamplighter groups Ln have infinitely many cone types, have no regular geodesic languages, and have 1-counter, context-free and counter geodesic languages with respect to certain generating sets. We show that the full language of geodesics with respect to one generating set for the lamplighter group is not counter but is context-free, while with respect to another generating set the full language of geodesics is counter and context-free. In Thompson's group F with respect to the standard finite generating set, we show there are infinitely many cone types and that there is no regular language of geodesics. We show that the existence of families of "seesaw" elements with respect to a given generating set in a finitely generated infinite group precludes a regular language of geodesics and guarantees infinitely many cone types with respect to that generating set. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Date: 1991-07-01
Creator: David L. Murray, Bruce D. Kohorn
Access: Open access
Date: 2014-04-30
Creator: M. Ram Murty, Naomi Tanabe
Access: Open access
- In 2011, M.R. Murty and V.K. Murty [10] proved that if L(s, χD) is the Dirichlet L-series attached a quadratic character χD, and L'(1, χD)=0, then eγ is transcendental. This paper investigates such phenomena in wider collections of L-functions, with a special emphasis on Artin L-functions. Instead of s=1, we consider s=1/2. More precisely, we prove thatexp (L'(1/2,χ)L(1/2,χ)-αγ) is transcendental with some rational number α. In particular, if we have L(1/2, χ)≠0 and L'(1/2, χ)=0 for some Artin L-series, we deduce the transcendence of eγ.
Date: 2020-03-01
Creator: Zoe M. Wood, Patricia L. Jones
Access: Open access
- Philaenus spumarius (Meadow Spittlebug, Homoptera: Cercopoidea) is a cosmopolitan generalist insect that feeds on a wide repertoire of host plants in the field. We studied density and growth of Meadow Spittlebugs on a range of host plants on Kent Island, a boreal island in the Bay of Fundy, NB, Canada. The highest spittlebug densities were on Cirsium arvense (Canadian Thistle), although spittlebugs had larger body sizes on Solidago rugosa (Rough-stemmed Goldenrod) and Anaphalis margaritacea (Pearly Everlasting). We fertilized plots of Rough-stemmed Goldenrod in the field over 3 weeks to examine the effects of plant quality on development of Meadow Spittlebugs. Following fertilization, there were fewer nymphs present in fertilized plots than in unfertilized plots, indicating faster nymph maturation to adulthood on fertilized plants. This study offers an initial report of the host plants used by Meadow Spittlebugs in northeastern boreal habitat, variation in density and performance of the species on a range of host plants, and the effects of plant fertilization on spittlebug life history.
Date: 1995-07-17
Creator: Michael Crescimanno, Stephen G. Naculich, Howard J. Schnitzer
Access: Open access
- We exhibit the gauge-group independence ("universality") of all normalized non-intersecting Wilson loop expectation values in the large N limit of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. This universality is most easily understood via the string theory reformulation of these gauge theories. By constructing an isomorphism between the string maps contributing to normalized Wilson loop expectation values in the different theories, we prove the large N universality of these observables on any surface. The string calculation of the Wilson loop expectation value on the sphere also leads to an indication of the large N phase transition separating strong- and weak-coupling phases. © 1995.
Date: 2021-07-20
Creator: Anant Agrawal, Joyce Bor, Dale Syphers
Access: Open access
- In their September 2020 paper [Appl. Opt.59, 7585 (2020)], Purschke et al . report UV-C transmittance measurements of N95 filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs), including the 3M 1860, which is one of the most widely used FFRs.We have also measured the transmittance of this FFRin our two separate laboratories with multiple FFR samples, and we have obtained transmittance values similar to one another, but very different from what Purschke et al . reported for two of the four FFR layers.
Date: 2003-08-01
Creator: Stephen G. Naculich, Howard J. Schnitzer, Niclas Wyllard
Access: Open access
- We study the matrix model/gauge theory connection for three different N =1 models: U(N) × U(N) with matter in bifundamental representations, U(N) with matter in the symmetric representation, and U (N) with matter in the antisymmetric representation. Using Ward identities, we explicitly show that the loop equations of the matrix models lead to cubic algebraic curves. We then establish the equivalence of the matrix model and gauge theory descriptions in two ways. First, we derive generalized Konishi anomaly equations in the gauge theories, showing that they are identical to the matrix-model equations. Second, we use a perturbative superspace analysis to establish the relation between the gauge theories and the matrix models. We find that the gauge coupling matrix for U (N) with matter in the symmetric or antisymmetric representations is not given by the second derivative of the matrix-model free energy. However, the matrix-model prescription can be modified to give the gauge coupling matrix. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.