Showing 2011 - 2020 of 2040 Items

Seeking shear waves in liquids with picosecond ultrasonics

Date: 2007-12-01

Creator: M. E. Msall

O. B. Wright

O. Matsuda

Access: Open access

Picosecond shear acoustic pulses can be generated in solids using ultrashort optical pulses. Here we use this technique to seek high frequency shear waves in water, ethylene glycol and glycerol while simultaneously measuring high frequency longitudinal wave velocity and attenuation. We use a silica thin film on (114) GaAs to generate shear and longitudinal acoustic pulses at frequencies up to ∼50 GHz by ultrashort pulsed optical excitation. The acoustic pulses are transmitted into adjacent liquids, and are detected through variations in the optical reflectivity. Although we could not detect shear waves in these liquids, we did detect gigahertz longitudinal elastic stiffening. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.

AMGSEFLamide, a member of a broadly conserved peptide family, modulates multiple neural networks in Homarus americanus

Date: 2019-01-01

Creator: Patsy S. Dickinson

Evyn S. Dickinson

Emily R. Oleisky

Cindy D. Rivera

Meredith E., Stanhope

Elizabeth A. Stemmler

J. Joe Hull

Andrew E. Christie

Access: Open access

Recent genomic/transcriptomic studies have identified a novel peptide family whose members share the carboxyl terminal sequence –GSEFLamide. However, the presence/identity of the predicted isoforms of this peptide group have yet to be confirmed biochemically, and no physiological function has yet been ascribed to any member of this peptide family. To determine the extent to which GSEFLamides are conserved within the Arthropoda, we searched publicly accessible databases for genomic/transcriptomic evidence of their presence. GSEFLamides appear to be highly conserved within the Arthropoda, with the possible exception of the Insecta, in which sequence evidence was limited to the more basal orders. One crustacean in which GSEFLamides have been predicted using transcriptomics is the lobster, Homarus americanus. Expression of the previously published transcriptome-derived sequences was confirmed by reverse transcription (RT)-PCR of brain and eyestalk ganglia cDNAs; mass spectral analyses confirmed the presence of all six of the predicted GSEFLamide isoforms – IGSEFLamide, MGSEFLamide, AMGSEFLamide, VMGSEFLamide, ALGSEFLamide and AVGSEFLamide – in H. americanus brain extracts. AMGSEFLamide, of which there are multiple copies in the cloned transcripts, was the most abundant isoform detected in the brain. Because the GSEFLamides are present in the lobster nervous system, we hypothesized that they might function as neuromodulators, as is common for neuropeptides. We thus asked whether AMGSEFLamide modulates the rhythmic outputs of the cardiac ganglion and the stomatogastric ganglion. Physiological recordings showed that AMGSEFLamide potently modulates the motor patterns produced by both ganglia, suggesting that the GSEFLamides may serve as important and conserved modulators of rhythmic motor activity in arthropods.

TAKs, thylakoid membrane protein kinases associated with energy transduction

Date: 1999-04-02

Creator: Shaun Snyders

Bruce D. Kohorn

Access: Open access

The phosphorylation of proteins within the eukaryotic photosynthetic membrane is thought to regulate a number of photosynthetic processes in land plants and algae. Both light quality and intensity influence protein kinase activity via the levels of reductants produced by the thylakoid electron transport chain. We have isolated a family of proteins called TAKs, Arabidopsis thylakoid membrane threonine kinases that phosphorylate the light harvesting complex proteins. TAK activity is enhanced by reductant and is associated with the photosynthetic reaction center II and the cytochrome b6f complex. TAKs are encoded by a gene family that has striking similarity to transforming growth factor β receptors of metazoans. Thus thylakoid protein phosphorylation may be regulated by a cascade of reductant-controlled membrane-bound protein kinases.

One-instanton predictions for non-hyperelliptic curves derived from M-theory

Date: 1998-12-21

Creator: Isabel P. Ennes

Stephen G. Naculich

Henric Rhedin

Howard J. Schnitzer

Access: Open access

One-instanton predictions are obtained from certain non-hyperelliptic Seiberg-Witten curves derived from M-theory for N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories. We consider SU(N1) × SU(N2) gauge theory with a hypermultiplet in the bifundamental representation together with hypermultiplets in the defining representations of SU(N1) and SU(N2). We also consider SU(N) gauge theory with a hypermultiplet in the symmetric or antisymmetric representation, together with hypermultiplets in the defining representation. The systematic perturbation expansion about a hyperelliptic curve together with the judicious use of an involution map for the curve of the product groups provide the principal tools of the calculations. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.

The 10kb Drosophila virus 28S rDNA intervening sequence is flanked by a disect repeat of 14 base pairs of coding sequence

Date: 1980-08-25

Creator: Peter M.M. Rae

Bruce D. Kohorn

Robert P. Wade

Access: Open access

Most repeat units of rDNA in Drosophila virilis are interrupted in the 28S rRNA coding region by an intervening sequence about 10 kb in length; uninterrupted repeats have a length of about 11 kb. We have sequenced the coding/intervening sequence junctions and flanking regions in two independent clones of interrupted rDNA, and the corresponding 28S rRNA coding region in a clone of uninterrupted rDNA. The intervening sequence is terminated at both ends by a direct repeat of a fourteen nucleotide sequence that is present once in the corresponding region of an intact gene. This is a phenomenon associated with transposable elements in other eukaryotes and in prokaryotes, and the Drosophila rDNA intervening sequence is discussed in this context. We have compared more than 200 nucleotides of the D. virilis 28S rRNA gene with sequences of homologous regions of rDNA in Tetrahymena pigmentosa (Wild and Sommer, 1980) and Xenopus laevis (Gourse and Gerbi, 1980): There is 93% sequence homology among the diverse species, so that the rDNA region in question (about two-thirds of the way into the 28S rRNA coding sequence) has been very highly conserved in eukaryote evolution. The intervening sequence in T. pigmentosa is at a site 79 nucleotides upstream from the insertion site of the Drosophila intervening sequence. © 1980 IRL Press Limited.

Fermions destabilize electroweak strings

Date: 1995-01-01

Creator: Stephen G. Naculich

Access: Open access

Z strings in the Weinberg-Salam model including fermions are unstable for all values of the parameters. The cause of this instability is the fermion vacuum energy in the Z-string background. Z strings with nonzero fermion densities, however, may still be stable. © 1995 The American Physical Society.

The supply of media slant across outlets and demand for slant within outlets: Evidence from US presidential campaign news

Date: 2020-06-01

Creator: Marcel Garz

Gaurav Sood

Daniel F. Stone

Justin Wallace

Access: Open access

We conduct across-outlet and within-outlet (and within-topic) analyses of “congenially” slanted news. We study “horse race” news (news on candidates' chances in an upcoming election) from six major online outlets for the 2012 and 2016 US presidential campaigns. We find robust evidence that horse race headlines were slanted congenially with respect to the preferences of the outlets' typical readers. However, evidence of congenial slant in the timing and frequency of horse race stories is weaker. We also find limited evidence of greater within-outlet demand for headlines most congenial to outlets' typical readers, and somewhat stronger evidence of greater demand for relatively uncongenial headlines. We discuss how various aspects of our results are consistent with each of the major mechanisms driving slant studied in the theoretical literature, and may help explain when each mechanism is more likely to come into play. In particular, readers may be more likely to click on uncongenial headlines due to inferring that these stories are particularly informative when they stand in contrast to an outlet's typically congenial slant.

Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest - 2014 Updated Chapters

Date: 2014-01-01

Creator: Nalini M Nadkarni

Nathaniel T Wheelwright

Access: Open access

The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve has captured the worldwide attention of biologists, conservationists, and ecologists and has been the setting for extensive investigation over the past 40 years. Roughly 40,000 ecotourists visit the Cloud Forest each year, and it is often considered the archetypal high-altitude rain forest. “Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest”, edited by Nalini Nadkarni and Nathaniel T. Wheelwright (Oxford University Press, 2000 and Bowdoin’s Scholar’s Bookshelf. Book 1 ), features synthetic chapters and specific accounts written by more than 100 biologist and local residents, presenting in a single volume everything known in 2000 about the biological diversity of Monteverde, Costa Rica, and how to protect it. The new short chapters written in 2014 by original contributors, and presented here update and expand that knowledge through 2014.

Measurement of fine-grained aspects of toddler temperament: The Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire

Date: 2006-07-01

Creator: Samuel P. Putnam

Maria A. Gartstein

Mary K. Rothbart

Access: Open access

This article describes the development, reliability, and factor structure of a finely differentiated (18 dimensions) parent-report measure of temperament in 1.5- to 3-year-old children, using a cross-sectional sample (N = 317) and a longitudinal sample of primary (N = 104) and secondary (N = 61) caregivers. Adequate internal consistency was demonstrated for all scales and moderate inter-rater reliability was evident for most scales. Longitudinal stability correlations were primarily large over 6- and 12-month spans and moderate to large from 18 to 36 months. Factor analysis revealed a three-factor structure of Surgency/Extraversion, Negative Affectivity, and Effortful Control. In both samples and for both primary and secondary caregivers, older children received higher scores for Attention Focusing, Discomfort, Inhibitory Control, and Positive Anticipation. Primary caregivers rated females higher in Fear, and lower in High-intensity Pleasure, than males; secondary caregivers rated females higher than males in several aspects of Effortful Control. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Amplitudes for massive vector and scalar bosons in spontaneously-broken gauge theory from the CHY representation

Date: 2015-09-26

Creator: Stephen G. Naculich

Access: Open access

Abstract: In the formulation of Cachazo, He, and Yuan, tree-level amplitudes for massless particles in gauge theory and gravity can be expressed as rational functions of the Lorentz invariants ka · kb, ϵa · kb, and ϵa · ϵb, valid in any number of spacetime dimensions. We use dimensional reduction of higher-dimensional amplitudes of particles with internal momentum κ to obtain amplitudes for massive particles in lower dimensions. In the case of gauge theory, we argue that these massive amplitudes belong to a theory in which the gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken by an adjoint Higgs field. Consequently, we show that tree-level n-point amplitudes containing massive vector and scalar bosons in this theory can be obtained by simply replacing ka · kb with ka · kb − κaκb in the corresponding massless amplitudes, where the masses of the particles are given by |κa|.