Showing 1831 - 1840 of 2039 Items

The Price of Carbon: Politics and Equity of Carbon Taxes in the Middle Income Countries of South Africa and Mexico

Date: 2015-05-01

Creator: Bridgett C McCoy

Access: Open access

This study provides the first analysis of the politics and ethics behind carbon taxation in South Africa and Mexico. Using the preexisting scholarly frameworks of climate change policy, tax policy, and Robert Putnamā€™s two level games, I determine that in both cases, international pressures from multilateral negotiations and international development funding sources initiated the carbon tax policymaking process within the environment and treasury ministries of both countries. Once environment ministry bureaucrats initiated the carbon tax a lack of politicization of climate change (both countries) and an additional gain of raising revenue (Mexico) allowed the taxes to become law. I then turn to the laws themselves, analyzing their implications for climate justice. In both cases, the government did not adopt any proposals made interest groups representing environmental concerns and poverty groups, and instead shaped the bills so as to tailor to the interests of heavy manufacturing. This policy decision had the main effect of weakening the climate change mitigation impact of the carbon tax, and exacerbating issues of regressivity by not recycling revenues towards projects aimed at poverty reductions. I conclude this paper with an analysis of the ethics of such a carbon tax in developing countries. The carbon taxes, as they currently exist, sacrifice the rights and needs of the present poor for those of the future generation while an ideal policy that addresses poverty betters the condition of both groups. In order to ensure climate justice and for all groups and prevent political backlash, policy makers in middle-income countries must make carbon reduction policies with the unique challenges of poverty and climate change mitigation in mind.

Nuevas posibilidades para la subjetividad feminista en la literatura del Cono Sur

Date: 2022-01-01

Creator: Kate Elizabeth Tapscott

Access: Open access

ĀæCĆ³mo es que se puede escapar verdaderamente de la opresiĆ³n patriarcal? Esta investigaciĆ³n aborda a travĆ©s de un anĆ”lisis de la literatura de escritoras del Cono Sur el asunto complicado de la liberaciĆ³n bajo un sistema en constante mutaciĆ³n. En el primer capĆ­tulo, a partir de aportes teĆ³ricos de Freud, Josefina Ludmer y Homi Bhabha entre otros, analizo cuentos de Jorge Luis Borges, Silvina Ocampo, y Clarice Lispector cuyas protagonistas intentan resistir su condiciĆ³n de vĆ­ctima con diversos grados de Ć©xito. En el capĆ­tulo que sigue, exploro una tendencia reciente en la literatura de escritoras del Cono Sur que incorpora elementos del horror y lo gĆ³tico para desestabilizar una cosmovisiĆ³n humanista y patriarcal. Incorporando la teorĆ­a de Gabriel Giorgi, Rosi Braidotti, y Julieta Yelin, investigo los efectos que los animales, los cuerpos, y la materia tienen en la expansiĆ³n de la agencia feminista y discuto si ofrecen o no nuevas e inesperadas posibilidades para resistir el sistema.

Building Home in Diaspora: New Yorkā€™s Jewish Left and the History of the Bronx Housing Cooperatives

Date: 2022-01-01

Creator: Micah Benjamin Wilson

Access: Open access

This thesis investigates three predominantly Jewish housing cooperatives that emerged in the Bronx in the late 1920s. The Amalgamated Housing Cooperative, the United Workers Cooperative Colony (the ā€œCoopsā€), and the Sholem Aleichem Houses offered garment workers utopian retreats from the drudgery of Lower East Side tenements where Jewish immigrants arrived in droves between 1890-1920. With each cooperative housing a distinct faction of the Jewish Leftā€“ā€“from socialists to communists to Yiddish nationalistsā€“ā€“the Bronx housing cooperatives, more than experiments in communal living, were the site of a highly contested battle over competing Jewish cultural and political worldviews across the 1930s and 1940s. Transcending the era that is typically considered the movementā€™s ā€œpeakā€ in the 1910s, this thesis demonstrates that the era of the Bronx cooperatives must be central to any study of the Jewish labor movement by revealing the ways radical Jews attempted to maintain and negotiate their various worldviews against the backdrop of the threats posed by the capitalist housing market, assimilation, and sectarian struggles. I reconsider the disproportionate attention the ā€œsuccess storyā€ of the Amalgamated Cooperative has received, situating its politics as but one of many responses to the contradictions embedded in the housing cooperative model. Finally, I analyze the role of nostalgia present across resident recollections of the cooperatives and situate it in the contexts of 1970s neoliberal urban reform and suburbanization, while considering the discursive power of this emotion to obscure the persistent legacy of anti-black racism entangled in the cooperative housing movement despite its progressive reputation.

Accretion onto endoparasitic black holes at the center of neutron stars

Date: 2021-01-01

Creator: Chloe B Richards

Access: Open access

We revisit the system consisting of a neutron star that harbors a small, possibly primordial, black hole at its center, focusing on a nonspinning black hole embedded in a nonrotating neutron star. Extending earlier treatments, we provide an analytical treatment describing the rate of secular accretion of the neutron star matter onto the black hole, adopting the relativistic Bondi accretion formalism for stiff equations of state that we presented elsewhere. We use these accretion rates to sketch the evolution of the system analytically until the neutron star is completely consumed. We also perform numerical simulations in full general relativity for black holes with masses up to nine orders of magnitude smaller than the neutron star mass, including a simulation of the entire evolution through collapse for the largest black hole mass. We construct relativistic initial data for these simulations by generalizing the black hole puncture method to allow for the presence of matter, and evolve these data with a code that is optimally designed to resolve the vastly different length scales present in this problem. We compare our analytic and numerical results, and provide expressions for the lifetime of neutron stars harboring such endoparasitic black holes.

"What's it like to be a lesbian with a cane?": A Story and Study of Queer and Disabled Identities

Date: 2018-05-01

Creator: M.M. Daisy Wislar

Access: Open access

People with disabilities are largely conceptualized as asexual; this systematically excludes disabled people from achieving agency in their sexual landscape. Drawing from interview data on the sexual lives of nine queer people living with disabilities, this project explores the lived experiences of physically disabled queer people as they relate to sexuality, sexual identity, intimacy, and the sexual body. Queer people with physical disabilities navigate identity, community, various sexual fields while also challenging misconceptions about these marginal identities. Excerpts and analysis of these interviews reveal the various strategies that queer and disabled people utilize in order to make their identities legible in the face of numerous assumptions about their experiences. Illuminating the voices of queer and disabled people, this thesis offers an important intervention to the sociological study of sexualities, gender expression, and disability, which too frequently marginalizes the voices of people who are queer and disabled.

Bowdoin Alumnus Volume 19 (1944-1945)

Date: 1945-01-01

Access: Open access

The Legacy of James Bowdoin III

Date: 1994-01-01

Access: Open access

The Legacy of James Bowdoin III (1994) was published to accompany a major year-long series of exhibitions and programs at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art commemorating the bicentennial of the founding of Bowdoin College. It includes essays by Kenneth E. Carpenter, Linda J. Docherty, Arthur M. Hussey, Clifton C. Olds, Richard H. Saunders, Susan E. Wegner.

Religion at Bowdoin College: A History

Date: 1981-01-01

Creator: Ernst Christian Helmreich

Access: Open access

Religion at Bowdoin College: A History (1981), by Ernst Christian Helmreich, considers how people at Bowdoin have perceived religion, how they have felt religion should or should not be realized at the College, and how those views changed over the years.

Assyrian Bas-reliefs at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art

Date: 1989-01-01

Access: Open access

Includes bibliographical references.