Showing 1221 - 1230 of 4210 Items
Date: 1994-01-01
Creator: C. L. Borders
John A. Broadwater
Paula A. Bekeny
Johanna E. Salmon
Ann S., Lee
Aimee M. Eldridge
Virginia B. Pett
Access: Open access
- We propose that arginine side chains often play a previously unappreciated general structural role in the maintenance of tertiary structure in proteins, wherein the positively charged guanidinium group forms multiple hydrogen bonds to backbone carbonyl oxygens. Using as a criterion for a “structural” arginine one that forms 4 or more hydrogen bonds to 3 or more backbone carbonyl oxygens, we have used molecular graphics to locate arginines of interest in 4 proteins: Arg 180 in Thermus thermophilus manganese superoxide dismutase, Arg 254 in human carbonic anhydrase II, Arg 31 in Streptomyces rubiginosus xylose isomerase, and Arg 313 in Rhodospirillum rubrum ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. Arg 180 helps to mold the active site channel of superoxide dismutase, whereas in each of the other enzymes the structural arginine is buried in the “mantle” (i.e., inside, but near the surface) of the protein interior well removed from the active site, where it makes 5 hydrogen bonds to 4 backbone carbonyl oxygens. Using a more relaxed criterion of 3 or more hydrogen bonds to 2 or more backbone carbonyl oxygens, arginines that play a potentially important structural role were found in yeast enolase, Bacillus stearothermophilus glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase, bacteriophage T4 and human lysozymes, Enteromorpha prolifera plastocyanin, HIV‐1 protease, Trypanosoma brucei brucei and yeast triosephosphate isomerases, and Escherichia coli trp aporepressor (but not trp repressor or the trp repressor/operator complex). In addition to helping form the active site funnel in superoxide dismutase, the structural arginines found in this study play such diverse roles as stapling together 3 strands of backbone from different regions of the primary sequence, and tying α‐helix to α‐helix, βturn to β‐turn, and subunit to subunit. Copyright © 1994 The Protein Society
Date: 2016-04-15
Creator: Michèle LaVigne
Andréa G. Grottoli
James E. Palardy
Robert M. Sherrell
Access: Open access
- The coral skeleton barium to calcium ratio (Ba/Ca ), a proxy for seawater barium concentrations (Ba ), has been interpreted as a tracer of upwelling based on the characteristic "nutrient like" depth profile of Ba . However, in some tropical regions, such as the Gulf of Panamá, substantial influence of terrestrial runoff inputs and differences between the vertical distribution of Ba and that of the major nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) in the upper water column can complicate the interpretation of Ba/Ca as an upwelled nutrient proxy. In the Gulf of Panamá, contemporaneous Ba/Ca records from multiple colonies of Porites lobata, Pavona gigantea, and Pavona clavus corals record a nearly twofold change in surface water Ba as a 20-70% increase in skeletal Ba/Ca with excellent correlation among Ba/Ca records from co-located colonies (r = 0.86-0.99). These results provide, for the first time, an absolute calibration of the coral Ba proxy with a contemporaneous Ba record. Compiling the Ba/Ca records from three co-located colonies of each species into taxon-specific composite regressions reveals strong statistically significant correlations with the Ba time-series record (p < 0.001). Differences among taxa in regression slope, y-intercept, and average distribution coefficient, as well as a demonstration of the application of the P. clavus calibration to a previously published Ba/Ca record, emphasize the necessity of using taxon-specific calibrations to reconstruct changes in Ba with accuracy. These results support the application of Ba/Ca to reconstruct past changes in absolute Ba concentrations, adding an important tool to the collection of geochemical proxies for reconstructing surface ocean biogeochemical processes in the past. coral SW SW SW coral coral SW SW coral SW coral SW coral SW
Date: 2016-06-13
Creator: Neel Nadkarni
Andres F. Arrieta
Christopher Chong
Dennis M. Kochmann
Chiara, Daraio
Access: Open access
- We present a model system for strongly nonlinear transition waves generated in a periodic lattice of bistable members connected by magnetic links. The asymmetry of the on-site energy wells created by the bistable members produces a mechanical diode that supports only unidirectional transition wave propagation with constant wave velocity. We theoretically justify the cause of the unidirectionality of the transition wave and confirm these predictions by experiments and simulations. We further identify how the wave velocity and profile are uniquely linked to the double-well energy landscape, which serves as a blueprint for transition wave control.
Date: 2021-12-01
Creator: Lea Takács
Samuel P. Putnam
Catherine Monk
Hannah G. Dahlen
Charlene, Thornton
František Bartoš
Anastasia Topalidou
Lilian L. Peters
Access: Open access
- The aim of this prospective longitudinal study was to examine the association between Cesarean section (CS) and child development and behavior. The sample consisted of 256 children who were born at term without serious perinatal pathologies. Their development and behavior was assessed at the age of four using Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3), Children’s Behavior Questionnaire and Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire. Multivariate linear regression analyses were conducted to assess the association between CS and child outcomes. CS was associated with better scores in the Problem Solving domain of the ASQ in the whole sample. After stratifying by child sex, the positive association between CS and the Problem Solving domain was significant in boys, while no association was found in girls. Girls were rated less optimally in the Gross Motor domain of the ASQ when born via CS. Mode of birth was not associated with behavioral outcomes.
Date: 2016-05-05
Creator: C. Chong
E. Kim
E. G. Charalampidis
H. Kim
F., Li
P. G. Kevrekidis
Access: Open access
- This article explores the excitation of different vibrational states in a spatially extended dynamical system through theory and experiment. As a prototypical example, we consider a one-dimensional packing of spherical particles (a so-called granular chain) that is subject to harmonic boundary excitation. The combination of the multimodal nature of the system and the strong coupling between the particles due to the nonlinear Hertzian contact force leads to broad regions in frequency where different vibrational states are possible. In certain parametric regions, we demonstrate that the nonlinear Schrödinger equation predicts the corresponding modes fairly well. The electromechanical model we apply predicts accurately the conversion from the obtained mechanical energy to the electrical energy observed in experiments.
Date: 2008-06-01
Creator: Stephen Polasky
Erik Nelson
Jeff Camm
Blair Csuti
Paul, Fackler
Eric Lonsdorf
Claire Montgomery
Denis White
Jeff Arthur
Access: Open access
- Expanding human population and economic growth have led to large-scale conversion of natural habitat to human-dominated landscapes with consequent large-scale declines in biodiversity. Conserving biodiversity, while at the same time meeting expanding human needs, is an issue of utmost importance. In this paper we develop a spatially explicit landscape-level model for analyzing the biological and economic consequences of alternative land-use patterns. The spatially explicit biological model incorporates habitat preferences, area requirements and dispersal ability between habitat patches for terrestrial vertebrate species to predict the likely number of species that will be sustained on the landscape. The spatially explicit economic model incorporates site characteristics and location to predict economic returns for a variety of potential land uses. We apply the model to search for efficient land-use patterns that maximize biodiversity conservation objectives for given levels of economic returns, and vice versa. We apply the model to the Willamette Basin, Oregon, USA. By thinking carefully about the arrangement of activities, we find land-use patterns that sustain high levels of biodiversity and economic returns. Compared to the 1990 land-use pattern, we show that both biodiversity conservation and the value of economic activity could be increased substantially. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd.
Date: 2019-11-10
Creator: Paolo Di Vecchia
Andrés Luna
Stephen G. Naculich
Rodolfo Russo
Gabriele, Veneziano
Chris D. White
Access: Open access
- The structure of scattering amplitudes in supergravity theories continues to be of interest. Recently, the amplitude for 2→2 scattering in N=8 supergravity was presented at three-loop order for the first time. The result can be written in terms of an exponentiated one-loop contribution, modulo a remainder function which is free of infrared singularities, but contains leading terms in the high energy Regge limit. We explain the origin of these terms from a well-known, unitarity-restoring exponentiation of the high-energy gravitational S-matrix in impact-parameter space. Furthermore, we predict the existence of similar terms in the remainder function at all higher loop orders. Our results provide a non-trivial cross-check of the recent three-loop calculation, and a necessary consistency constraint for any future calculation at higher loops.
Date: 2016-10-01
Creator: Thomas G. Huntington
William M. Balch
George R. Aiken
Justin Sheffield
Lifeng, Luo
Collin S. Roesler
Philip Camill
Access: Open access
- Ongoing climate change is affecting the concentration, export (flux), and timing of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) exported to the Gulf of Maine (GoM) through changes in hydrologic regime. DOC export was calculated for water years 1950 through 2013 for 20 rivers and for water years 1930 through 2013 for 14 rivers draining to the GoM. DOC export was also estimated for the 21st century based on climate and hydrologic modeling in a previously published study. DOC export was calculated by using the regression model LOADEST to fit seasonally adjusted concentration discharge (C-Q) relations. Our results are an analysis of the sensitivity of DOC export to changes in hydrologic conditions over time since land cover and vegetation were held constant over time. Despite large interannual variability, all rivers had increasing DOC export during winter and these trends were significant (p < 0.05) in 10 out of 20 rivers for 1950 to 2013 and in 13 out of 14 rivers for 1930 to 2013. All rivers also had increasing annual export of DOC although fewer trends were statistically significant than for winter export. Projections for DOC export during the 21st century were variable depending on the climate model and greenhouse gas emission scenario that affected future river discharge through effects on precipitation and evapotranspiration. The most consistent result was a significant increase in DOC export in winter in all model-by-emission scenarios. DOC export was projected to decrease during the summer in all model-by-emission scenarios, with statistically significant decreases in half of the scenarios.
Date: 2003-08-01
Creator: Stephen G. Naculich
Howard J. Schnitzer
Niclas Wyllard
Access: Open access
- We study the matrix model/gauge theory connection for three different N =1 models: U(N) × U(N) with matter in bifundamental representations, U(N) with matter in the symmetric representation, and U (N) with matter in the antisymmetric representation. Using Ward identities, we explicitly show that the loop equations of the matrix models lead to cubic algebraic curves. We then establish the equivalence of the matrix model and gauge theory descriptions in two ways. First, we derive generalized Konishi anomaly equations in the gauge theories, showing that they are identical to the matrix-model equations. Second, we use a perturbative superspace analysis to establish the relation between the gauge theories and the matrix models. We find that the gauge coupling matrix for U (N) with matter in the symmetric or antisymmetric representations is not given by the second derivative of the matrix-model free energy. However, the matrix-model prescription can be modified to give the gauge coupling matrix. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.
Date: 2009-12-01
Creator: Matthew Horak
Melanie Stein
Jennifer Taback
Access: Open access
- We introduce a new method for computing the word length of an element of Thompson's group F with respect to a "consecutive" generating set of the form Xn = {x0,x1, ⋯, xn}, which is a subset of the standard infinite generating set for F. We use this method to show that (F, Xn) is not almost convex, and has pockets of increasing, though bounded, depth dependent on n. © 2009 World Scientific Publishing Company.