Showing 291 - 300 of 564 Items


Miniature of Nonprophets: a novel
Nonprophets: a novel

Miniature of Adapting Greek Heroines: Penelope and Medea
Adapting Greek Heroines: Penelope and Medea

Re-formando cuerpos: Las identidades femeninas en escritoras cubanas durante el Período Especial
Esta tesis explora cómo una variedad de autoras cubanas representan el cuerpo, las identidades femeninas y la relación entre las mujeres y la nación. Las autoras estudiadas incluyen Marilyn Bobes, Karla Suárez y Daína Chaviano. Sus narrativas ilustran y desarrollan una variedad de personajes –desde las mujeres blancas prerrevolucionarias hasta las “hijas de la revolución” afrocubanas—que representan diferentes maneras en que las mujeres construyen y reconstruyen sus identidades en la Cuba revolucionaria y hasta el comienzo del “Período especial”. Ilustran además cómo las mujeres vivieron fenómenos propios de ese período como la migración, la dolarización y el jineterismo. Así, revelan los fracasos en cuanto a la igualdad de género de la revolución, que no transformó la estructura patriarcal de la sociedad. Sin embargo, las autoras presentan una nación cubana polifacética compuesta de más que el Estado, donde las escritoras y las mujeres luchan por definirse a sí mismas. This paper explores how various female Cuban authors represent the body, female identities and the relationship between women and the nation. The authors studied include Marilyn Bobes, Karla Suárez and Daína Chaviano. Their narratives illustrate and develop a variety of characters—ranging from white prerevolutionary women to afro-Cuban “daughters of the Revolution”—which represent different ways in which women construct and reconstruct their identities during revolutionary Cuba and at the beginning of the “Special Period.” The characters also illustrate how women in particular experienced and dealt with the effects of the Special Period such as migration, dollarization and jineterismo. Thus, they reveal the failures of the Cuban Revolution regarding gender equality of the Revolution, which did not transform the patriarchal structure of society. However, the authors present a multifaceted Cuban nation comprised of more than just the State, where writers and women struggle to define themselves.

Miniature of Investigating the Role of Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) in the Formation of Chromosome Compartments
Investigating the Role of Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) in the Formation of Chromosome Compartments

Convexity Properties of the Diestel-Leader Group Γ_3(2)
The Diestel-Leader groups are a family of groups first introduced in 2001 by Diestel and Leader in [7]. In this paper, we demonstrate that the Diestel-Leader group Γ3(2) is not almost convex with respect to a particular generating set S. Almost convexity is a geometric property that has been shown by Cannon [3] to guarantee a solvable word problem (that is, in any almost convex group there is a finite-step algorithm to determine if two strings of generators, or “words”, represent the same group element). Our proof relies on the word length formula given by Stein and Taback in [10], and we construct a family of group elements X that contradicts the almost convexity condition. We then go on to show that Γ3(2) is minimally almost convex with respect to S.

Miniature of Egg Size, Breeding Phenology, and Parental Investment in Leach’s Storm Petrels
Egg Size, Breeding Phenology, and Parental Investment in Leach’s Storm Petrels

Miniature of Accounting for Gender Differences in Cultural Industries: Evidence from Film and the Fine Arts
Accounting for Gender Differences in Cultural Industries: Evidence from Film and the Fine Arts

Improving Energy Efficiency through Compiler Optimizations
Abstract--- Energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important for computation, especially in the context of the current climate crisis. The aim of this experiment was to see if the compiler could reduce energy usage without rewriting programs themselves. The experimental setup consisted of compiling programs using the Clang compiler using a set of compiler flags, and then measuring energy usage and execution time on an AMD Ryzen processor. Three experiments were performed: a random exploration of compiler flags, utilization of SIMD, as well as benchmarking real world applications. It was found that the compiler was able to reduce execution time, especially when optimizing for the specific architecture, to a degree that depends on the program being compiled. Faster execution time tended to correlate with reduced energy usage as well, further suggesting that optimizing programs for speed and architecture is the most effective way of decreasing their overall energy usage.

Miniature of Instability in a Time-Modulated Lattice
Instability in a Time-Modulated Lattice

Assessing the Accuracy of Quantum Monte Carlo Pseudopotentials for CO2 Capture in Metal Organic Frameworks
As global emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases rises, global warming persists as an imminent threat to the environment and every day lives. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, there is a need to design materials to separate and capture the different gasses. Current gas capturing technologies lack efficiency and have extensive energy costs. A class of materials for CO2 capture is Molecular Organic Frameworks (MOFs). In order for a MOF to be efficient for this type of separation, the MOF needs to be able to selectively bind to the gas, while also not suffering a high energy cost to remove the gas and reuse the material. Computationally calculated binding energies are used to determine the usefulness of a MOF at capture and separation of a certain gas. Each computational method has its advantages and limitations. In this work, diffusion quantum Monte Carlo is being explored. This paper focuses on the accuracy of recently developed pseudopotentials for DMC use. These pseudopotentials have been tested on smaller molecules but have not been systematically tested for systems such as MOFs. Results from a DMC calculation of Zn-MOF-74 show a binding energy of -18.02 kJ/mol with an error bound of 16.74 kJ/mol. In order to assess the accuracy of the DMC results for binding energies of this magnitude the uncertainty need to be reduced, a subject of ongoing work.