Museum of Art Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 114 Items

Personal Recollections of the Museum of Art and the Department of Art at Bowdoin College

Date: 1991-01-01

Creator: Philip C Beam

Access: Open access

"Published with the assistance of the John Sloan Memorial Foundation"--T.p. verso

Descriptive Catalogue of the Bowdoin College Art Collections

Date: 1903-01-01

Access: Open access

Includes indexes.

Catalogue of the Bowdoin College Art Collections: Part 1: The Bowdoin Drawings

Date: 1885-01-01

Creator: Henry Johnson

Access: Open access

Catalogue from the Bowdoin College Museum of Art.

Catalogue of the Bowdoin Drawings

Date: 1881-01-01

Creator: Frederick Winslow

Access: Open access

Catalogue from the Bowdoin College Museum of Art.

Prints, Drawings, Paintings: Thomas Cornell

Date: 1964-01-01

Access: Open access

Catalog of an exhibition held at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, 1964.

Littoral Abstractions: Drawings by Emily Nelligan

Date: 2000-01-01

Access: Open access

Includes an essay by the curator Allison Ferris.

James Bowdoin: Patriot and Man of The Enlightenment

Date: 1976-01-01

Creator: Gordon EKershaw, Peter R. Mooz

Access: Open access

"An exhibition held at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, Maine, May 28 through September 12, 1976."

Recent Work of David Driskell: Paintings and Prints

Date: 1973-01-01

Access: Open access

Exhibition held August 17-September 20, 1973 in The Boyd Art Gallery, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, Maine.

Medieval Sculptor

Date: 1971-01-01

Creator: Brooks W. Stoddard

Access: Open access

Exhibition catalogue, Bowdoin College Museum of Art.

Treasures from Near Eastern Looms

Date: 1981-01-01

Creator: Ernest H. Roberts

Access: Open access

The exhibition and catalogue held at Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, Me., Sept. 11, 1981 to Nov. 22, 1981 and The Textile Museum, Washington, D.C., Dec. 11, 1981 to Feb. 6, 1982 Photographs by Robert H. Stillwell.